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Mingyu and Wonwoo safely landed in Korea. The model remembered that he has one appointment which is meeting with the CEO to talk about the hot issue about Mingyu and his boyfriend. Fans are still asking for the company's confirmation even though Mingyu himself had told already everyone about it on the interview.

Before Mingyu could leave the airport, he received a message from the CEO.

Please bring Jeon Wonwoo with you.

Mingyu then informed his boyfriend first that they both have to meet the CEO before going home. The whole ride to the company was quiet due to nervousness. They hope the meeting will end well and the CEO will not ask them to break up.

Once they arrived at the company, Mingyu and Wonwoo entered the building and received stares from the employees, but they just ignored it and immediately went to the CEO's room. The CEO greeted them before he asked the couple to sit down across him. He noticed the couple are not making eye contact with him, obviously nervous and waiting for the CEO to speak up first.

"So, Mr. Jeon Wonwoo..." The CEO started.

Wonwoo lift his head to look at the CEO. "Yes, s-sir?" He asked nervously. The CEO noticed Wonwoo's nervousness. He can't help but chuckled at it.

Wonwoo looked at the CEO with a confused face and then he glanced at Mingyu but his boyfriend just gave him a shrug.

"Don't be nervous. I just want to clear things out." The CEO said.

"Are you going to ask me to breakup with him? No, sir. I'm sorry. I can't do that. Please, just let me-"

Mingyu's words got interrupted by the CEO. He said, "Calm down, Kim Mingyu. I said I just want to clear things out because people especially your fans are still asking for a confirmation from the company even though you've already told them during your interview in Japan." Mingyu just nodded his head as his response.

"So, the first time you brought Wonwoo here, you introduced him to me as your best friend. Why did you not just tell me truth? If you want to keep it as a secret, we can keep it. You can trust me." The CEO told Mingyu.

Mingyu sighed and said, "I'm afraid you'd kick me out."

"No, Mingyu. I will never do that, but I understand that you were afraid to tell me because you probably think I'm not an open-minded person or against it, right?"

"Yes. I'm afraid you'd kick me out because you probably don't like or support same sex couples." Mingyu sadly said and the CEO noticed it.

"Don't be sad, Mingyu. I didn't call you to ruin your relationship with Mr. Jeon. I told you I just want to confirm things, so I know what I'm going to tell the media and your fans."

"Ok, s-sir."

"So, do your parents know about this?" The CEO asked.

"Yes. It's fine with them. They support us." Mingyu answered.

"Actually, Mingyu's dad didn't like our relationship at first. But after weeks or months, he just let us be and accepted our relationship." Wonwoo said.

"Oh... That must be tough, but anyway, at least both of your parents support you now." The couple just nodded as their response to the CEO.

Before the meeting ended, the CEO asked a few information about the couple to tell the media and the model's fans. The couple thanked the CEO and are thankful that the meeting ended well. After the meeting, the couple went straight to their apartment to take a rest. Later that day, the confirmation news is already out.

PLEDIS Confirmed Model Kim Mingyu's Relationship

Pledis model Kim Mingyu announced that he's in a relationship in an interview in Japan and the company just confirmed it's real.

Read full article here

Mingyu's fans are so happy for him. Some still can't believe and can't take it for awhile, but as days passed, they learned to accept it. People should learn to accept the differences of everyone and just give love and support for who they are. We are not born to bother others' lives. Learn to respect each other, so everyone could have freedom to do whatever they want. However, it's still tough for the couple because there are still people who throw hates and offensive messages to both of them, but the couple don't mind them because haters are going to hate. It's unavoidable.

When Mingyu's fans found out that Wonwoo works at the Diamond café, they started going there to visit Wonwoo and also to dine in. Fans are fluttered by Wonwoo's kindness and awed by his handsome looks. Wonwoo is also thankful due to the amount of customers increases everyday. Some fans also ask for a selfie with him and Wonwoo never rejects it.

There was also a time when Mingyu gave Wonwoo a surprise visit at the café even though he knew there were fans of him. It was their anniversary and Wonwoo didn't expect that Mingyu had something prepared for their anniversary due to his busy schedule. Mingyu would really do everything for both of them. Fans even took videos and photos, also uploaded them on social media, which also became a hot topic. Fans were so happy for them and especially their parents. The couple also feel happy because they can now do freely whatever they want as a couple.


Hello everyone! First of all, I'm sorry because I haven't updated this story for months because I was really so busy with online class. I've got a free time these past few days, that's why I got to write again. Here's an update for now. I can't promise when I will be able to update again, but don't worry because this story is almost done. I'll do all I can just to finish this. Thank you!!! Sorry, I made you guys wait for too long.
Stay safe and healthy! ^^

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