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It's our break time. Mingyu asked Soonyoung to call their other friends to introduce them to me.

When they entered the classroom, my mouth formed into an 'o' shape. I didn't expect that Mingyu has a lot of friends. He is awesome. I want to have a lot of friends too like him but I'm not a friendly person so that's impossible to me.

They introduced themselves to me and that took too long because they are eleven and two of them are Chinese. They all look so friendly and cheerful guys. I really hope no one would hate me here.

One of Mingyu's friends, named Yoon Jeonghan has really a pretty face. He kind of looks like a girl because of his long hair and pretty face. I think there is something between him and Seungcheol because I saw them just awhile ago were being touchy to each other. I'm not sure but I can sense there really is.

I shouldn't be curious about them but I think it doesn't matter if I'm going to ask about them to Mingyu, right? But if Seungcheol and Jeonghan are a couple, I'll support them. They look very good together and they're cute.

I hope no one will ruin my friendship with Mingyu. Seriously! Because I have no other friends. Just him! Yes, just him. Kim Mingyu.

I used to be alone but sometimes I feel sick. I feel sick being alone that's why I looked for a friend but I think no one wants to because they thought I'm a cold guy or a gangster, especially when they found out this something about me that made them dislike me. Can't they just respect who you are?

After that incident, I just go to the library always and read books there. No one can make me happy except books. I really love reading books and learn new things.

But now, I think I will be happier. No one approached me first but this Kim Mingyu guy was the one who approached me first that's why I didn't ignore him and just let him be friends with me.

Classes are finally dismissed.

While I was packing my things, I felt someone stood beside me and he poked me. I looked around and saw Chan smiling at me.

"Oh Chan... What is it?"

"I-uhh-just going to ask you if you're free this Saturday because we want to go to the amusement park and we want to tag you along. So..?"

"Uhh, I don't know. I will look at my schedule later at home then I'll tell you tomorrow if I'm free." I said and smiled at him.

"Wow. I think you're a busy man! Do you have like a part-time job or something?" Mingyu asked, joining the conversation.

"Oh, no. It's not like that. I don't have any part-time jobs. Just family appointments." I chuckled.

"Oh... Then if you're not free this weekend, we're just going to move the date." Chan said.

"Well, okay then."

"There you are, Chan. I was looking for you." Jeonghan, who just entered the classroom, said and went beside Chan.

"Oh! Han hyung, Sorry, I was just talking to Wonwoo hyung." Chan chuckled.

"I thought you were lost." Jeonghan chuckles and ruffled Chan's hair.

"How could I be lost? Our school is not that big."

"I know. Let's go now, Seungcheol is waiting for us at the outside."

"Wonwoo hyung, we're going now. Bye!" Chan said as he waved his hands.

"Okay, bye."

"Let's go, Jeonghannie hyung." Chan said and clung his arm to Jeonghan.

Mingyu and I walked together until we reached my house.

"Wow, your house is quite big." He said.

"Nah, what about yours? I haven't seen your house." I asked him while unlocking the door.

"Just like yours..."

I looked at him and he smiled at me.

Damn those teeth! Is he a vampire or what? His teeth are just awesome.

"So... I guess your parents are not home. Will you be okay alone?" He said while seeking inside my house.

"I used to be alone so don't worry about me."

"Oh... Is that so? Then just text me if you're bored. I'm not a busy person." He chuckled.

"Okay then. Take care when you get home." I waved my hands to him and smiled widely.

"Yeah... See you tomorrow."

I turned around and was about to get inside my house but Mingyu called me. I asked him what is it he's going to say and he said,

"Please smile always."

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