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Days, weeks, months until years passed by, Wonwoo and Mingyu's lives have been occupied due to work, but they always make ways to catch up with each other. Their 7th year anniversary is coming up and Mingyu has already made a plan, but he won't tell Wonwoo. Of course, it is the plan that he's been waiting for. It must be a surprise. He just hope that everything will turn out well. For now, Mingyu stopped thinking about the plan since he and Wonwoo have to get ready for their reunion with their friends today. They will be meeting up at the Diamond Café where Wonwoo works at 6 in the evening. Wonwoo closed the shop only for today for their reunion, so there won't be other people besides them.

Wonwoo and Mingyu arrived at the shop first and welcoming their friends one by one as they enter the shop. When they're finally complete, everyone settled down and Wonwoo's aunt started serving the food to them. Wonwoo wanted to help in serving the food, but his aunt didn't let him and just told him to enjoy with his friends.

The conversation started with asking how they've been doing and everyone seems fine which is good. Everyone's happy since all of them made it to their reunion. Vernon did actually book a flight to Seoul from New York just to see them again after all these years. Same goes with Joshua, he took a leave at his work to go to Seoul from Los Angeles just to see his friends. As well as Junhui and Minghao, they cleared their schedules, so that they can go to South Korea from China to see their friends.

Besides their jobs and relationships, they talked about a lot of things about their lives in their reunion. Everyone is happy and doing well with their job. Some got promoted in their job or got higher position and keep receiving lots of rewards. Some already have their girlfriends and some aren't still in a relationship. Must be really busy due to work. Junhui got praised by his friends because of his acting skills and also talked about his other projects. He has improved and now one of the famous actors in China. Minghao is also now a model same as Mingyu but he pursued his modelling in China.

The squad also didn't forget to talk about Seungcheol and Jeonghan's marriage that happened 2 years ago. Sadly, some of them didn't make it, but majority was able to attend the wedding. Also, Jeonghan told them that he wants to adopt a child this year and Seungcheol didn't mind it and even said he would love it. Of course, they didn't forget to ask how Wonwoo and Mingyu's doing.

Wonwoo shyly answered his friends, "We always do well. Whenever we get so busy, we always find time for each other to catch up."

"That's good. How about marriage? Have you ever talked about when and where you both want to get married?" Seokmin asked as he nudged Mingyu's side.

It took a few seconds before Mingyu could answer. He first glanced at Wonwoo who's looking down, maybe shy to answer their friends, and said, "Uhm... sadly, we haven't talked about marriage yet."

The couple received frowns and sighs from their friends.

"Why? You've been together for years now. You should have planned something about it already." Seungkwan said and some of them nodded in agreement. There was a moment of silence.

"Actually, they don't have to rush. If they don't want to get married yet, that's fine. If they haven't planned anything yet, that's also fine. There's always a perfect time for that." Vernon butted in.

"True. I agree with Vernon." Joshua said.

"Yeah, don't pressure them. Okay?" Jihoon said.

"Well then... Just tell us when Mingyu has already proposed to you." Soonyoung said and grabbed his lemonade to take a sip.

The squad decided to go home at 11 in the evening, but helped in cleaning up first before they left the shop. They hugged each other as they bid goodbyes and didn't forget to thank each other as well as Wonwoo's aunt who served their food. The couple and Wonwoo's aunt checked if everything is already organized and cleaned before leaving the shop and go home. Before going to their apartment, the couple dropped Wonwoo's aunt off at her house.

The ride going home has been quiet and still is even after dropping Wonwoo's aunt off. Mingyu started to get worried and kept glancing at his boyfriend while he's driving. Wonwoo's been silent and just looking outside the window.

Mingyu broke the silence by asking his boyfriend. "Is everything all right? You've been quiet."

"Yeah. I'm okay." Wonwoo answered with his soft voice, but didn't bother to look at his boyfriend. Mingyu didn't say anything and just focused on driving them home.

When they finally reached their apartment, Wonwoo went to the bathroom to freshen up. After he's done in the bathroom, it was Mingyu's turn to freshen up. Wonwoo is still quiet and not even making eye contact with his boyfriend. Mingyu just shrugged it off for now and finished his business in the bathroom. When Mingyu's already done in the bathroom, he saw Wonwoo already on their bed. Blanket covering his feet up to his shoulders, back facing Mingyu.

Mingyu then lied down beside his boyfriend and put his arm around his waist. He snuggled closer to Wonwoo and kissed his nape before saying "Good night, love." Wonwoo didn't react and just let his boyfriend do whatever he wants. He doesn't have a mood anymore to react or even say anything which bothers Mingyu a lot.

After a few moments of silence, Wonwoo decided to break it and asked his boyfriend with his sleepy voice, but still remained in his position.

"When are we getting married?"

Mingyu suddenly opened his eyes when he heard Wonwoo talked. He thought his boyfriend was already sleeping, but he heard clearly what Wonwoo asked.

"Whenever you want, love. Do you want it soon? Let's start talking about it tomorrow then."

Wonwoo sighed and said, "What if I didn't ask you that? We won't ever talk about it then?"

Mingyu can feel that his boyfriend's hurt and sad by the way he spoke. "So, this is what's bothering him..." Mingyu thought.

"Love, it's not like that. You know we've been busy with our job that's why we couldn't talk about things like that thoroughly and that doesn't mean I don't have any plans on marrying you. As what Vernon said, we don't have to rush things because everything has its perfect time." Mingyu answered with a soft voice.

"When is that perfect time?" Wonwoo mumbled, but Mingyu was still able to catch it.

Mingyu didn't respond after that. At least, he now knows what's bothering his boyfriend. He found out that Wonwoo is sad because they haven't talked about marriage yet and even about proposal although they've been in a relationship for more than five years now. Little did Wonwoo know that his boyfriend has already set everything.

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