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Mingyu came to school with a good mood and excited to talk to Wonwoo about the movie he watched last night before he slept. The movie is Spider-Man: Far From Home and Mingyu found it a very amazing movie. He is excited to tell that he didn't expect something like this and that will happen, the actor Tom Holland really fits the Spider-Man character, etc.

The tall guy's face frowns when he entered the classroom and didn't see Wonwoo around. He then looked at his wristwatch, showing that there's still 30 minutes left before their first subject starts. He just sat on his seat and waited for Wonwoo to come.

Minutes passed by and Mingyu noticed that there's only 10 minutes left before their first subject starts but Wonwoo is still not around. He then took out his phone and decided to send a message to Wonwoo.

Kim Mingyu: Wonuuu! What's up? Seems like you're going to be late today.

Mingyu put his phone on his desk and waited for Wonwoo to reply. He looked at the time once again and it shows 7:53AM. Their classes start at 8AM everyday and ends at 4PM.

After a few minutes, the teacher came inside the classroom but Mingyu still didn't get any replies from Wonwoo. He sighed and just kept his phone inside his pocket. He then looked at Wonwoo's seat sadly which is beside him. He felt empty without his friend. Wonwoo is just his new friend who he met few days ago. They still didn't know each other well but he feels like they are close already.

While Mingyu is focused listening to the discussion, he felt his phone vibrated. He took out his phone secretly and unlocked it to see the message. It is from Wonwoo.

Jeon Wonwoo: Hey Mingyu! I just woke up. Sorry for the late reply. Anyway, I won't be at school today. I have a fever. :( If your friends look for me, tell them that I have a fever. Also, I am sorry because I think I won't be able to come to the amusement park tomorrow. :( I'll go with you guys next time.

Kim Mingyu: What do you mean 'your' friends? It's OUR friends, Wonu. You are one of us now. And why the heck did you get a fever? :(

Jeon Wonwoo: I think it's because of yesterday. While I was on my way home, the rain started to pour heavily and the worst thing is I didn't have my umbrella with me. so... yeah. :(

Kim Mingyu: Ohh, is that so? :( Get well soon then. I'll just tell the others.

Jeon Wonwoo: Sure. Thanks! And how can you reply to me immediately? You're not in the class?

Kim Mingyu: I'm in the class. I am good at hiding just to reply to your messages. Hahaha.

Jeon Wonwoo: Stop it now and listen.

Kim Mingyu: Okay, boss.


On their break time, Mingyu told his friends that Wonwoo won't be able to join them at the amusement part tomorrow. He told them that Wonwoo has a fever which is not really good for him to join their friends at the amusement park tomorrow. The group of friends decided to just move the date of their gathering, so Wonwoo will be able to join them.

After class dismissal, Mingyu immediately went home to make food for Wonwoo. Since he has skills in cooking, he did his best in making two lunch boxes of kimbap for his friend.

Mingyu is almost done making kimbap when his mother entered the kitchen. He didn't expect his parents will be home early.

"Mingyu yah, what are you making?" Mrs. Kim asked as she saw her son busy making kimbap.

"Oh, mom... You're early today?" Mingyu said and took a glance of his mother before going back to his business.

"Well, yeah. We just decided to finish the other work here at home." Mrs. Kim said and then made her way to Mingyu's side. "So, you're making kimbap, huh? For who?"

"Just for a sick friend, mom. I am going to bring these to him tonight." Mingyu said as he finished everything.

"Wow! How sweet of you." Mrs. Kim giggled and poked her son's side.

Mingyu flinched and looked at his mother. "Mom, it's for a guy and he's just my friend, okay? What are you thinking?"

"Oh, really? I'm sorry about that." Mrs. Kim laughed. "But seriously, is that really you, Kim Mingyu? You've never done that to any of your friends before."

"Haven't I? I think I have done it sometimes..." Mingyu answered, unsure. But it is true, he hasn't made food for his friends before. He always chooses to eat outside with them.

"Whatever! Just go and bring that to your friend."

After making the kimbap and cleaning the kitchen, Mingyu went to his bedroom to change clothes. Before he decided to leave the house, he sent a message first to Wonwoo.

Kim Mingyu: I'm on my way there now.

After a few minutes, Mingyu received a reply from Wonwoo.

Jeon Wonwoo: Are you serious???

Kim Mingyu: Yes. See you!!!

Jeon Wonwoo: Why all of a sudden?
It's almost dinner time, too. Have you eaten? You can eat here if you want. My mother just finished cooking.

Mingyu smiled at Wonwoo's reply. He seems Wonwoo is very comfortable with him already even they just met few days ago. He didn't reply to Wonwoo's message after that and left the house.

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