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It is almost sunset when Mingyu and Wonwoo realized they have already spent two hours in playing. The boys gave up on playing and sat in the middle of the court, already tired and sweaty. Wonwoo looked at his wristwatch to know what time is it at the moment and his watch shows 05:57PM.

"We must go home now and rest. We still have classes tomorrow." Wonwoo said between his heavy breaths.

"Yeah. But at least we don't have homework to do for tonight." Mingyu said happily Wonwoo just chuckled at him.

After resting for a few minutes, Mingyu and Wonwoo decided to leave the basketball court. Before they parted ways, they bid goodbyes to each other and then walked away.

Wonwoo took out his phone from his bag and started to scroll down to look for some updates or news on his social media accounts until water droplets landed on his phone's screen then on his face. He looked up on the sky and realized it's starting to rain.

Shit. I don't have my umbrella.

The rain started to pour down heavily. Wonwoo ran to his home as fast as he can. His house is few meters away. When he reached his house, Wonwoo quickly opened the door and entered the house.

"Oh my! Jeon Wonwoo! Why are you so wet? You didn't bring your umbrella with you?" Wonwoo's mother said worriedly as she saw her son soaked from the rain, so his bag too.

Wonwoo walked to his mother and said, "Sorry, I forgot to bring my umbrella. I didn't know it will rain."

"Go quickly change before you get cold!"

Wonwoo headed to his bedroom and quickly change. After he changed, he went downstairs and proceeded to the kitchen to have his dinner with his mother.

"Dad isn't home yet?" Wonwoo asked to his mother who just sat across him.

"Yes but he just sent me a message. He's on his way home." Mrs. Jeon answered.

They started to dig in on their delicious food. They're both quietly eating, so Mrs. Jeon started to speak up to break the silence between them.

"Wonu-yah, how's school anyway?"

"Good. I got friends already and they're really nice."

"That's good to hear then. Are you enjoying so far?"

Wonwoo just nodded as his response to his mother. After he finished his food, he went back to his bedroom and took his phone to look for some updates or news on social media.

As he kept scrolling, a caller ID popped out on his screen. He immediately answered the call.

"What's up, Mingyu?"

"Nothing... Are you home now? The rain is pouring heavily."

"Yeah and I'm fine. Why did you call anyway?"

"I-uhh, nothing... I'm just bored." Mingyu chuckled.

Wonwoo laughed softly and said, "Eat dinner then."

"I have eaten already. I don't know what to do right after, so I..."

"So you called me." Wonwoo finished Mingyu's sentence.

"Yeah? Hahaha. Sorry if I disturbed you."

"No, it's okay. I'm not doing anything too. I was just scrolling on my feed."

"Ohh, okay... So, uhm, good night?"

"Yeah, sure. Good night! See you tomorrow."

"See you. Sleep tight."

Their phone call ended.

Wonwoo smiled after the phone call. He can't explain what he actually feels at the moment. He's very happy for having a nice friend like Kim Mingyu. They just met few days ago and so Mingyu's friends but it's like they've been friends for years.


Wonwoo got woken up of his father's hand touching his forehead then went to his neck. He saw his father's face frowned and heaved a sigh. Mr. Jeon looks sad. Wonwoo then realized that he's not feeling well. He can feel his body isn't in good temperature.

Wonwoo looked at the wall clock inside his room to check the time and it is currently 02:30 in the morning. He wondered why his father is still up at this hour.

"What is it, dad?" Wonwoo asked with his hoarse voice.

"Nothing. I just want to see you before I go to bed."

"Oh... Why are you still up at this hour?" Wonwoo asked as he slowly sat up on his bed.

"I just finished some documents then I have decided that to lake a look at you."

"Do you want me to get some water for you?" Mr. Jeon asked, breaking the silence between them.

"No... I'm fine."

"You have a fever, Wonwoo. I just checked you and your body is hot. Does your mother know?" Mr. Jeon asked worriedly.

"Uhm, no? Everything was okay to me before I go to sleep."

"You can't go to school later, okay? You have to rest."

Wonwoo just nodded to his father's words.

"And why all of a sudden you got a fever?"

Wonwoo suddenly remembered what happened yesterday. He got soaked in the rain right after he played basketball with Mingyu while he was still sweaty, so he thought probably because of that. He told his father that then Mr. Jeon walked out of his son's room to get him a glass of water. Wonwoo drank it immediately when his father came back to his room. He then went back to sleep when his father left his room.

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