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Weekend have passed, Wonwoo still didn't receive any message and calls from Mingyu. He doesn't know if Mingyu is really mad at him, so are his friends. Even their friends don't know why Mingyu is being quiet for the past days until now.

Today's Monday, so Wonwoo will be able to see his best friend again. They're seat mates, so Wonwoo thought he will be able to talk to Mingyu.

Once he entered the classroom, Mingyu sat on his seat. Wonwoo is already there beside the taller but he can't look at Mingyu. He's actually waiting for Mingyu to talk first but he thinks that's impossible for now, so Wonwoo spoke first.

"Hey Mingyu..." He said with his soft voice.

Mingyu only smiled a little to Wownoo and didn't say any word. He can't talk to Wonwoo yet, not now that he hasn't apologized for what he had done to Wonwoo when he was drunk.

Wonwoo didn't bother to speak anymore. He can feel the awkwardness between them which he honestly doesn't really like it.

"Let's talk after class. Rooftop." Mingyu blurted out. Wonwoo looked at him and just nodded.

On their break time, Jun and Minghao tagged Wonwoo along with them because they can feel that him and Mingyu aren't still good with each other. When Wonwoo has left already with Jun and Minghao, Jihoon approached Mingyu on his seat.

"You're being quiet. Is everything still not alright?" He asked.

"Not yet..." Mingyu sighed sadly.

"When will you apologize then?"

"I'll talk to him after class. I already told him. And I also have this stupid plan after I apologize..." Mingyu chuckled nervously as he scratched his nape.

"What's that stupid plan, Mingyu?" Jihoon asked curiously as his eyebrows furrowed.

"I have planned also to... confess." Mingyu said, the last word was almost inaudible but Jihoon still caught it.

"Confess?! You're so brave, Kim Mingyu! Are you sure about that?"

Mingyu sighed and just nodded as his response.

"Well, good luck. I won't stop you because that's your life. It's your decision." Jihoon said. "Just be yourself and don't do anything stupid then, so that your confession won't turn out stupid too." He added, then he left Mingyu inside the classroom.


After classes, Mingyu went to the rooftop immediately. He hopes that everything will be good after this, even after his confession.

Just a few moments, Mingyu heard footsteps approaching him. He sighed nervously and looked around to see Wonwoo.

"Hey Mingyu... You okay now?" Wonwoo asked worriedly as he went closer to his best friend.

"I think so..." Mingyu chuckled nervously as he scratched his nape.

"So, what is it we're going to talk about?" Wonwoo then looked at Mingyu straight to the eyes. Mingyu felt his cheeks heated up, so he looked down for Wonwoo not to see his blushing cheeks.

"I'm sorry... about what happened at the party. I didn't mean it, seriously. I was-" Mingyu is still not making eye contact with Wonwoo.

"Drunk. I know, Mingyu. You were drunk and didn't mean to say that to me." Wonwoo finished his sentence.

"Yeah... Exactly." Mingyu chuckled nervously. "What did I say though? Did I say something that made you offended? I can't honestly remember." Mingyu asked nervously, hoping he didn't say anything that bad to his best friend. He still can't make eye contact with Wonwoo because of too much nervousness he's feeling at the moment.

"You didn't say that much. You only said that I'm a fool. You also said something like... why can't I notice that? I don't honestly understand that..."


"Notice what, Mingyu..?"

"Notice th-that... I have f-feel-"


Mingyu suddenly remembered their argument. He realized he had almost confessed that he has feelings for Wonwoo. What if Jihoon came late? He could have confessed already.

Mingyu sighed and looked up to see Wonwoo's handsome face.

"Oh... that. Just forget everything I have said and done to you that night, Wonwoo. I am very sorry. I promise it won't happen again." Mingyu said as he tried his best not to break eye contact with Wonwoo. "Forgive me..." He added.

"I forgive you. Kim Mingyu. I understand. I know you didn't really mean it because you were drunk. So, nothing to worry anymore... Are we good now?"

"Sure. Yes, we're good. Uhmm... Thank you, Wonwoo."

There was a moment of silence. Since Mingyu and Wonwoo are good now, it's time for Mingyu to confess.

Before Wonwoo could speak, Mingyu bravely asked a question.

"What did you feel when you kissed Minkyeong?"

Wonwoo looked at Mingyu with eyebrows furrowed and honestly answered, "I didn't kiss her. She's the one who kissed me and... I didn't feel anything. I don't even like her."

"But you let her kiss you?"

"I had no choice, Mingyu. She was so desperate. She even hugged me while she was begging me to kiss her. I suddenly felt so uncomfortable." Mingyu can feel the annoyance in Wonwoo's voice. He can't help but chuckled, he found it cute.

"Is that so? I thought she was nice."

"Yeah, she's nice. But she's kind of... obsessed? Well, I don't care. I just hope she'll accept the reality that there's no chance I'll like her back."

Mingyu kind of felt relieved. He found out that Wonwoo doesn't really like Minkyeong and didn't like what she did. Does this mean, he has a chance?

"Uhm, Mingyu, why do you ask though? Don't tell me you like Minkyeong? I just told her what she is to me."

"Ah, no! I don't like her, Wonwoo... I told you I'm not into girls, remember?"

"Oh, yeah. Then why..?"

Mingyu heaved a sigh of nervousness. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"Come on, Mingyu! You can do this." Mingyu thought to himself.

"You look nervous, Mingyu. What is-"

"I like you, Jeon Wonwoo."

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