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It's been a week since Mingyu's confession happened. Their friends felt happy when both Mingyu and Wonwoo told them that they're good now but the two didn't tell yet that there's something between them. They're both not yet ready to tell all their friends about them. That's why when they go out on a date, they do it secretly. Only Jihoon knows about what happened with the confession because Mingyu told him and he knows that Jihoon can be trusted in keeping secrets.

Today, Mingyu picked Wonwoo up at his house to go to school together. Wonwoo told Mingyu that his parents are out for a business trip for a week, so he will be home alone. They walked to school together, hand in hand. While on the way to their school, Mingyu have thought of something.

"Wonu, your parents will be out for a week, right? So, you will be home alone? Like you're just the only one will be in the house?"

Wonwoo chuckled and said, "Yes. Why? You want to come over?"

"Uhmm, yeah. Actually, I want to stay there with you if it's okay..." Mingyu said shyly.

"Stay there for a week too?" Wonwoo asked as he looked at Mingyu's face.

"Yeah. But is it really okay? Don't worry, I'll tell my parents."

"Sure. No problem as long as it's you." Wonwoo said and pecked Mingyu's lips.

After classes, Mingyu went to his house to pack some stuff to bring at Wonwoo's house and to tell his parents that he will be staying there for a week. His parents let him and just told him to not do anything stupid.

Wonwoo is playing games on his phone while waiting for Mingyu in the living room. Just a few moments, he heard knocks on the door. He closed the game app and stood up to open the door for Mingyu.

Mingyu entered the house happily and went straight to the living room. He put down his things on the couch, as well as the chips he had bought at the convenience store before he went to Wonwoo's house.

Mingyu and Wonwoo did movie marathon all night while grabbing some chips. They watch movies very close to each other, Mingyu's arm on Wonwoo's shoulders while Wonwoo's arms around Mingyu's waist. It's midnight when they finished their movie marathon. They stayed on the couch, cuddling while they talk about random stuff.

"So, I just noticed that we're the same... We haven't had a girlfriend or boyfriend before." Mingyu said, staring at Wonwoo's face.

"Yeah... You're saying I'm your first?"

"Yes. And also my last." Mingyu winked. Wonwoo felt his cheeks heated up, so he scooched his face on Mingyu's neck to hide his blushing face.

Mingyu laughed at Wonwoo's cuteness. "Awww. You're so cute. I made you blush again, didn't I?"

"Shut up." Wonwoo said as he looked up to see Mingyu's grinning face. "Stop grinning!"

"Okay, babe." Mingyu said and quickly peck Wonwoo's lips.

"Stop stealing kisses, Kim Mingyu!" Wonwoo groaned.

"That's not stealing, Jeon. You're mine anyway."

"You're not my boyfriend yet... You haven't asked me though?" Wonwoo rolled his eyes and pouted.

Mingyu laughed and pinched Wonwoo's cheeks with his free hand and said, "Here's my question..." He cleared his throat before continuing. "Will you be my boyfriend, Jeon Wonwoo?"

Wonwoo looked at him with wide eyes. "W-wait. You're being s-serious right now?"

Mingyu chuckled and asked, "Does it look like I'm not?"

Wonwoo didn't say anything and just keep staring at Mingyu with blank expression. Mingyu stares back and looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. "What's with that face, Jeon Wonwoo?" He asked nervously.

Wonwoo looked down to avoid eye contact with Mingyu and still didn't say anything which made Mingyu's heart beats in nervousness. "I-is that a... no?" He asked.

Wonwoo still didn't respond to Mingyu and sniffed. Mingyu panicked a little when he heard Wonwoo sniffed. He suddenly cupped Wonwoo's face and made him to look at him.

"H-hey... Why are you crying?" Mingyu asked worriedly as he wiped Wonwoo's tears escaping from his eyes. But Wonwoo didn't answer him again which made him nervous and worried.

"Look, Wonwoo. I will understand what will be your answer. It's okay. We're not rushing things..."

"I-I'm just a-afraid..." Wonwoo said with his shaky voice. He looked at Mingyu and saw how worried he is.

"Why are you afraid? Afraid of what?" Mingyu asked curiously.

"Afraid about w-what p-people would say... about us."

Mingyu sighed and pulled Wonwoo into a tight hug. "Wonwoo, our friends are here. I am here. Don't mind those people who will judge us, hurt us with offensive words, and give us dirty or weird looks. We have our own lives. This is our life. They have their own! Look at Jeonghan and Seungcheol, they're a happy couple. They don't mind people who judge them. Just don't mind about them, okay? Just think of yourself and the people you love..."

Mingyu's caressing Wonwoo's back until he noticed that Wonwoo stopped sobbing. He then carefully pulled out from their hug to see Wonwoo's face who's not making eye contact with him again.

"Feeling better?" Mingyu asked worriedly as he wiped with his thumb the remaining tears on Wonwoo's cheeks.

"I love you..." Wonwoo blurted out, finally looking at Mingyu straight to the eyes.

Mingyu's eyes widened. He didn't expect to hear those words. Those three words that he really wanted to hear. "D-does that mean-"

"Yes, Kim Mingyu." Wonwoo didn't let Mingyu finish and pecked his lips. "My handsome boyfriend." He pecked Mingyu's lips once again.

It feels like a dream. Mingyu can still feel his heart beating fast. He didn't say anything and just immediately kissed Wonwoo on the lips. They both closed their eyes and enjoyed kissing until they're drowned.

Mingyu slips his tongue inside Wonwoo's mouth gently. Wonwoo can't help but moan between their kiss which made Mingyu turn on.

They both pulled out for awhile for Wonwoo to make his position comfortable. He sat on Mingyu's lap and encircled his arms around Mingyu's neck. Wonwoo caught Mingyu smirked before they could continue kissing again. He felt Mingyu's arms around his waist, moving him closer. Wonwoo's hand went to Mingyu's hair, gripping it and deepened their kiss. Mingyu moaned this time, probably going crazy over Wonwoo's grip on his hair.

They pulled away again, pressing their foreheads, to catch some air.

"To my bedroom... now." Wonwoo said, panting heavily.

Mingyu just gave him a smile and carried Wonwoo a bridal style up to his bedroom.

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