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Mingyu and Wonwoo got woken up by Seungkwan's scream as the door opened widely. They both sat up on the bed and looked at the three guys on the door. Soonyoung can't say anything and just looked at them with shocked face.

"How did you get in?!" Wonwoo asked nervously.

"Your door is not fucking locked, Jeon Wonwoo! You could have been robbed." Seokmin said and face palmed.

"Wh-what did you guys do, huh?" Seungkwan asked, pointing his index finger to Wonwoo then to Mingyu. "Are you guys hiding something from us?"

"It-it's not what you think. We ju-just-"

"Just what, Wonwoo? You can't lie to us."

"Stop that, Seungkwan. Let's just go to the living room." Soonyoung said and dragged Seungkwan with him.

"Fix yourselves. We have to talk. We'll be just at the living room." Seokmin said and made his way to the living room.

"We're dead." Wonwoo sighed and buried his face on his palms.

"No, we'll be fine. They're our friends, they will understand." Mingyu patted his boyfriend's back.

Wonwoo then stood up and looked at himself on the mirror, especially his neck. He groaned in annoyance as he saw he has three hickeys in total on his neck made by his boyfriend.

"What the fuck, Kim Mingyu?! How would I hide these?!"

"Don't hide it. It's my art." Mingyu said as he back hugged Wonwoo and kissed him on his nape.

"I am not joking! I don't even have band aids or concealer to cover it."

"I have scarf though. You can borrow it." Mingyu kissed Wonwoo's nape once again.

"Okay. Stop that kissing now and better put your shirt on, so we can go to the living room now.

Wonwoo and Mingyu went to the living room and sat on the couch across Seungkwan, Seokmin, and Soonyoung who's arms crossed on their chests and looking at them with a blank expression.

"Why are you guys here though? We have classes, right?" Wonwoo asked awkwardly, breaking the silence between them.

Seungkwan scoffed and said, "Yes, Wonwoo. We have classes, why are you here?"

"Come on, Seungkwan. I asked first." Wonwoo sighed.

"We had classes this morning but later in the afternoon, there won't be. Because Mrs. Kang is sick while Mr. Jang will be attending a meeting, so both of them won't be able to teach us." Seungkwan explained.

"We decided to go to Mingyu's house but you weren't there. We told your mom that you didn't go to school today but she told us you'll be staying here for a week, so we went here." Soonyoung said.

"We were so worried. We thought something bad happened to both of you." Seokmin sighed. "We're trying to call you but both of your numbers are can't be reached."

"Oh, shit. I'm very sorry. My phone's battery is dead. I forgot to charge my phone last night." Mingyu heaved a sigh and scratched his nape.

Wonwoo took out his phone inside his pocket and saw it is on silent mode. He unlocked the phone and saw lots of missed calls from his friends, even from his parents.

"Oh, fuck. I got missed calls from my parents." Wonwoo said. He then excused himself for awhile to call his mother.

"Call your mother too, Mingyu. He's worried about you." Seokmin said as he handed his phone to Mingyu.

Mingyu took Seokmin's phone and dialed his mother's number. It took few rings before his mother could answer it.

"Hello, Seokmin! Is everything alright?"

"Mom, it's Mingyu. I'm sorry I made you worried. I am okay, seriously."

"Oh, Mingyu. What's up? Why you didn't go to school today?"

"I forgot to set an alarm. I'm sorry, it's my fault."

"Ooh, is that so? Are sure you're okay? You're not sick or something?" Mingyu can sense his mother's worried by just hearing her voice.

"Yes, mom. I am okay. I am not sick, so don't worry. Everything is fine."

"Okay then. Don't forget to set an alarm tonight."

"I won't, mom." He chuckled.

The phone call ended. Mingyu then gave Seokmin's phone back to him. Wonwoo also had finished talking to his mother and went back to his seat.

"I guess you really forgot to set an alarm because you were too busy sucking Wonwoo's neck." Soonyoung teased as he saw the marks on his friend's neck. Seokmin and Seungkwan laughed.

"What's the feeling of getting marks from your lover?" Seungkwan asked between his laugh.

"Stop. You're embarrassing them!" Seokmin said as he knocked Seungkwan's head.

"Ouch! You don't need to knock my head." Seungkwan whined while patting the spot where Seokmin hit him.

Wonwoo and Mingyu felt their cheeks heated up, so they looked away from their friends as they started teasing them.

"Anyway, no one knows about this? That there's something between you?" Seokmin asked curiously.

"Jihoon. I only told him." Mingyu answered.

"Why only him? We're your friends too." Soonyoung asked and pouted his lips.

"Because we're... still too shy to tell you." Mingyu answered as he scratched his nape.

"Why are you shy though? It will be fine with us, seriously. We're all friends here. We support each other." Seungkwan said.

"I guess... We're just not yet ready to tell you, guys." Wonwoo said and sighed.

"It's okay. We understand. But when will you tell the others though?" Seokmin shrugged.

"Uhmm, honestly, we don't know..." Wonwoo sighed.

"What about Minkyeong?" Seungkwan asked out of nowhere. Seokmin and Soonyoung looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"I don't like her. I didn't even have feelings for her. We're just friends. We just talk whenever she wants to." Wonwoo said.

"Okay... So, since when are you in a relationship?" Soonyoung asked curiously.

"Uhm, actually, it's only been a week since we found out we have feelings for each other. I confessed first then Wonwoo told me he feels the same way too. Yesterday, I asked Wonwoo to be my boyfriend. So... yeah." Mingyu explained and chuckled shyly.

"Wow. It only took a week." Soonyoung said.

"Well. It doesn't matter, right? If you really love the person, why not?" Seungkwan said. He honestly feel happy for his friends.

"But do your parents know?" Seokmin asked.

"Not yet... I don't know how will I tell them but I know my parents are too kind, so I think it will be fine for them." Wonwoo said and shrugged.

"How about you, Mingyu? I know how strict your parents are, especially your dad."

Mingyu sighed at Soonyoung's question. He knows that his parents will freak out when they find out that their son is gay and dating a guy, not a girl.

"Well, I'll probably tell my parents first about me being a gay before I tell them I'm in a relationship with Wonwoo."

"Your dad, Mingyu. We don't know what he can do once he finds out."

Mingyu sighed. He can feel Wonwoo's eyes looking at him worriedly.

"Let's not just talk about it." He chuckled. "Have you eaten lunch? I can cook for you." Mingyu asked, changing the topic.

"Sure. That's nice! I'm hungry anyway." Soonyoung said happily.

"I'll help you cook." Seungkwan said. They all then settled themselves and started preparing everything for lunch.

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