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"It's taken him?" I blurted out, jumping up off his seat that I had stolen.

Mobius nodded to me.

"How? I-I mean when? More to the point where?" I hovered at the seat unsure if I wanted to move or not. As Mobius began to speak I moved back to my own, slumping into it.

"Loki obviously accepted our offer to help us. After all he wanted to get back to you." Mobius said as he pointed to me. He sat back down on his own chair, opening the top button of his shirt, then reaching up to loosen his tie. He sighed, "He had went through the training. Obviously we needed him up to date before we could take him out on the missions with us. There had been another attack. So I went to fetch him. C-40 and her team had went dark shortly after jumping onto the 1985 branch. All signs pointed to another ambush and we had enough temporal aura to know it was the Loki variant we have been looking for. But which kind of Loki remained unknown."

"The lesser kind. Clearly." I rolled my eyes.

Mobius let out a little chuckle. "You two are made for each other. You know he said the exact same thing."

That made me smile, as I looked down at my hands. Feeling a blush creep over my cheeks.

"As I was saying, we have pruned a lot of them over the years. Almost more than any other variant. Seems they really do get up to mischief. Though no two are alike. Well the ones we have encountered anyways. Slight differences in appearance, differences in their magic too. Although they generally include shape shifting, illusion projection and as Loki corrected me. Duplication casting." He rolled his eyes at me and smirked, "So we headed to where the Variant had been located, and when we got there. It was nowhere to be seen...until it bested us...taking Loki...hostage."

"Hostage?" I raised my eyebrows. Trying my very best to keep my cool.

"Yeah. We tried to follow them, but it got away with him before we could catch up." He looked at me anxiously. "That's where you come in."

I shook my head, "How?"

"Loki had some theories...and if you two are as close as you say you are. I think you will be able to help figure out how to get them back. "


"This is absurd! Let me go right this instance!"

Loki fought against the restraints, straining his neck to see another one of those stupid collars on it.

"Just when I thought I had gotten my fill of imbeciles this day." He grumbled, "Then you come along and ruin my plans. Inconsiderate quim!"

Still no answer.

"I am Loki of Asgard! I demand you let me go this instance!" He yelled out into the dimly lit room.

"Oh pipe down would you. God you're more annoying than I remember." The female voice sounded from behind him.

Loki tried to turn around to see who she was. But his restraints stopped him. Her voice was not familiar to him and he was yet to put a face to this assailant.

"Reveal yourself." Loki growled.

She laughed, "Why? Your only here as bait. They have something of mine and I want it back."

"They won't come looking for me. I can assure you." He scoffed, "So you might as well let me go now."

"Oh yes they will," she sniggered, "because they want me...and if I have you, I'm an even bigger threat to them."

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