Mr President...

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Everything seemed to slow down in that moment as I watched Loki hurling through the air, ready to land a blow on this Variant. But my heightened senses caught the sight of him summoning a dagger. As he went to swing his arm towards Loki. My whole body reacted to protect him.

"NO!" I screamed out.

Before any of the Loki's in the room knew what was happening I was between them. Pushing Loki mid air off his path. Grabbing the dagger from the Variant's grip and pulling him from the ground by the throat with my other hand, his legs flailing about as he struggled to try and grip at my hand that was firmly gripping his throat.

There was a thud where Loki landed heavily against the brown recliner. Safely out of harms way.

The next thud was a lot louder and caused a slight tremor below us, as I drove the Variant down with such a force into the ground flat on his back. As his body connected with the solid cement his face scrunched in pain.

My chest heaved, as I stared down at him. My arms trembling slightly as the adrenaline flooded my system and the serum kicked in.

He lay motionless for some time and I eased my grip from his windpipe to check if he was still breathing. As I did, he coughed a little, opening his eyes slowly to find me crouched over him. Most of my hair dangling free now from what was left of my braid. My eyes glowing purple. I looked wild.

" Little Mouse. There's the power I sensed." He smirked up at me smugly.

I felt my temper flaring through my body. Sending a shiver up my spine. But I closed my eyes, rolling my shoulders back in an attempt to control myself.

I couldn't...I couldn't lose control in front of them all. I didn't know what I was capable of anymore.

"Let her out Little Mouse." He sniggered at me, "Do it. You know you want to. You feel the power. How good it feels to be in control...You like it." He was taunting me. Trying to get a reaction from me.

"It's too risky." I breathed.

"Nothing in life is without risk Little Mouse...that's what makes it all the more exciting. Like that night I found myself on your planet. Finding you made it so much more interesting." He smiled up at me as I held him still on the floor by his throat. "And this...this is rather exciting indeed. You have so much potential." He began to laugh wickedly at me. "I've always like to play with fire Little Mouse."

That's when it dawned on me. I was nothing more than the prospect of a weapon to him.

His laughing was cut short when I tightened the grip around his throat again, putting more pressure on his windpipe as a growl left my throat. Leaning down close to his face until there was barely a few inches between us. "And you are exactly the reason why I won't let it consume me. I wouldn't give you the satisfaction of knowing what I'm capable of...but perhaps...perhaps if you keep this up I can do Thanos a favour?" I tilted my head and smiled at him, "And snap your neck now? Hmm? You know I'm capable don't you?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

That shut him up, as he stopped struggling watching me with wide eyes.

"What? Did I hit a nerve Mr President?" I purred. Taunting him back.

Nothing. He just stared at me in bewilderment.

I shook my head, letting out a small chuckle. "Now." I started, pointing to Loki who was now stood staring at me in shock. "He really is off limits. The only person in this room getting to touch him? Yes! You guessed right. It's me! And I plan on touching him all over. So try anything like that again...and I will kill you." I stated matter of factly to him. "Got it?"

His eyes flickered quickly from Loki, back to me. Then he nodded slowly at me. I doubted highly he had ever been put in his place before, let alone by a woman.

I smiled at him, "Good boy." I reached forwards, tucking some of his curls behind his ear. "So. This is how this is going to work. I am willing to let you up. If...and only if, you behave." I raised my eyebrow at him. "Understand?"

I released my grip slowly from around his neck. Pushing myself back onto my heels. Before standing up and holding my hand out to him, offering him some help.

Slowly he sat up, running his hand across his throat where my hand had been. Bruises were beginning to form on his pale skin already.

He looked around at the other Loki's but none of them spoke. Then his eyes landed on my outstretched hand. Reluctantly he took it and I pulled him up from the ground with ease.

I nodded to him. Reaching forwards and dusting off the lapels of his jacket.

In a silent understanding.

He nodded back, before dusting the rest of himself off.

"Good." I bent down lifting the dagger that I had dropped, "Now that is cleared up..." I said looking at the other three, slipping the dagger safely into the side of my boot. "If you don't mind. I need a moment alone," I nodded my head towards my Loki, "with him. Please?"

"Alright, come on you lot. We should go find some food..." the older Loki said, ushering the rest towards the door. He looked at the Variant. "Are you on our side now? Or are you wanting to dance with death again...and I don't mean Alioth." With that he winked at me.

"I...ah. No. I will help." He said letting out a small nervous laugh. "I think just the once was enough for me today."

With that they left us. Alone in the lair.

In all honesty.

I was terrified.

I closed my eyes.

Loki? If it's really you. You can hear me.

I felt his presence behind me as he reached forwards, tucking my love lock behind my ear before slipping his hand to intertwine our fingers together.

"It's me My Love. I'm here." He whispered in my ear.

I can hear you...

My whole body shuddered, hearing his voice, feeling him in my head again. I found myself leaning back against him, as I let out a shaky breath I had been holding in. Tears burning in my eyes.

"How?" My voice trembled.

His hand slipped to touch the mark on my arm, "Because I have too much still to live for." His voice was low as he traced the pattern of it lightly with his fingertips.

I could feel my heart beating in my ears, my senses were in total overdrive. It was really him.

I turned abruptly, opening my eyes to stare up at him. Reaching my hand up to find his love lock. The sob I had been holding back shook through my entire core as my fingers slipped over the leather securing. I smiled through the tears feeling my heart hurt. But this time it was with happiness.

He was alive.

He was here.

"I...I couldn't..." I sobbed, "I couldn' you. I-I tried. I tried so desperately to heal you. I'm so sorry Loki." He reached up to wipe my tears from my face, but I pulled myself away from his embrace. Shaking my head, "No. No...This...this was my fault. Mobius. He...he told me. That...That Odin was meant to die." I stilled. Staring at him. "Not you...but I saved him. It's all my fault." My voice trailed off to a whisper.

Loki closed the space between us, his hand grabbing the back of my neck to pull me towards him. Melting our lips together and cutting me off before I could mutter anything else, his other hand finding the small of my back to hold me close.

In that instance. Nothing else in the world mattered to me.

Because I felt whole again.

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