Jet Skis...

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I had been listening to this clock drone on for the past hour now. Apparently I needed to go through training to ensure I was kept safe when out in the field with Mobius and the other minutemen.

I had stupidly agreed of course. Not that I had any other choice. Now I was regretting my choice...This wasn't the kind of training I thought I had been in for.

"Okay Y/N. Let's review what we have learned," Miss Minutes droned on. "What happens when a nexus event branches past the red line?"

I was flicking aimlessly through a jet ski magazine I had found at Mobius' desk. "Ah. Bad things. Some very bad things..." I muttered, "a bit like when you agree to training without asking more questions."

Miss Minutes moved across the desk towards me, "Come on Y/N. What is it?"

I sighed, averting my eyes from the magazine to look at her, "When a nexus event branches past the red line, it means the TVA can no longer reset it." I rolled my eyes, "Boring stuff to be honest. However, it would lead to the destruction of the sacred timeline and evidently the collapse of reality as we know it."

I raised my eyebrows at her waiting on a response. Instead she just smiled back at me and nodded.

"Can you actually hear me? Or are you a recording?" I leant forwards in the seat and moved my face closer to her. "Or are you like alive?"

She looked at me oddly, "Uh. I suppose sorta both?"

I watched her for a moment before reaching forwards to try and touch her. She dodged me quickly. Moving away from me at a great speed.

"Excuse me!" She exclaimed. "Watch it!"

With that she jumped into the computer as I tried to poke her again.

"I just wanted to see if you were actually alive." I looked innocently at her.

In actual fact I was just trying to do anything to stop this torture. I had memorised everything I needed to know and quite frankly I was becoming impatient.

I was here to help Loki.

Not become a gallant member of the TVA.

Mobius cleared his throat from behind me, "Training is going well then I see Y/N?"

I smiled back over my shoulder at him, "Yep. I do believe we just finished actually. Great timing Mobius."

He looked past me at the screen, "What do you think Miss Minutes?"

She huffed out a sigh, "She's almost as annoying as he was. However, yes. She's completed her training."

I smiled at Mobius, "See? Now when do we go looking for Loki?"

"Wait is that my jet ski magazine?"

I looked at the magazine in my right hand puzzled, "Yeah? I was reading it."

He reached over taking it from my hand, "Give me that." He shook his head, placing it back where I had found it.

I rolled my eyes, pushing myself back into the chair.

"Come with me." Mobius said, nodding his head to follow him.

I pushed myself up, hurrying to catch up with him, taking in my surroundings as Mobius led me through the bland brown maze of the TVA.

We stopped at a desk in the library that was scattered with files. Mobius sat down and I followed suit, placing myself in the chair opposite him taking in the chaos in front of me.

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