Come Again...

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Guys I know I have been MIA and I apologise! I won't lie. I've had a real writers block! I know how I want the book to finish, I just haven't figured out the rest of the bits I need to get us there! *slaps palm against face* it's a struggle! I started a new job a few weeks back so I'm hoping I should have more time to concentrate and brainstorm some ideas on where we are going...thank you all for being patient with me and I really hope you are enjoying the book <3


When Mobius opened his eyes, he found himself lying flat on his back with Sylvie and Theo staring down at him.

Carefully he pulled himself up off the uneven ground below him, letting out a pained moan as he straightened himself unsteadily.

"You ok?" Sylvie asked, reaching over to place her hand on his forearm to try and steady him as he swayed a little.

"Yeah," he huffed out, reaching up and rubbing the back of his head with a pained expression on his face, "I think so. That's quite the fall."

Theo smirked patting his shoulder, "Nothing you can't handle Mobius. You are built of sturdy stuff."

Alioth growled ferociously in the sky behind them interrupting, the trio stilled as they heard it.

"Something tells me that thing isn't our friend." Theo swallowed nervously. Turning and looking back at the other two who nodded a silent agreement.

Mobius scanned the void looking for something to get them away from the dark purple cloud that seemed to be destroying everything in its path. He squinted, straining his eyes to see something that caught his eye in the distance.

"Is-is that a car?!" He pointed in it's direction.

Theo and Sylvie squinted looking into the distance where Mobius had pointed, "I-I think it is." Sylvie answered, "Let's go!"

With that the three of them scurried off towards the car trying to remain unnoticed by Alioth. When they finally reached the car, Mobius opened the driver door having to use a little force it creaked open. He shoved his head inside looking around, "The keys are still here...lets see if it will start."

Quickly he hopped in, twisting the key that was still in the ignition, "Come on..." he mumbled to the car as the engine tried and failed miserably to come to life. He sighed, but tried twisting it again. Suddenly the engine slowly began to chug to life, "Get in!" He called excitedly as a cloud of smoke bellowed from the exhaust pipe. Theo and Sylvie hurried into the back of the car, leaning over to look out the windscreen.

"You know how to drive one of these?" Theo asked nervously.

"I think so." Mobius laughed, shifting the gear stick into drive and putting his foot on the accelerator, the car lurching forwards in response. "See, it's not that difficult." He smiled as he drove away from the purple storm that seemed to be following them.


President Loki looked at us, "You really think if we kill Alioth that we could get out of here?"

I nodded, "Yes. We seem to be...well at the end of time so to speak. Where the TVA has dropped all their rubbish," I looked around at them all, "no offence. So what's to say that if we can get past Alioth, that we dont find who is actually behind the TVA?"

"And what do we do if we do find them" Older Loki asked from his seat.

I shrugged, "We convince him to let us go back."

"Or kill him" President Loki smirked.

"Yes. Gosh. How original. Brilliant idea." Loki sarcastically retorted, rolling his eyes at his variant, "Then we definitely will end up stuck here. You imbecile."

President Loki moved to get off the chair he was in to retaliate, but I stepped in front of Loki. Raising my eyebrows. "Have you forgot our deal?"

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