That Wasn't Even A Plan...

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"Okay our last hope of getting off this godforsaken planet is the Ark." Sylvie huffed out.

"How do we get there? We cant possibly walk the whole way?" Loki scoffed, running his hand through his disheveled hair.

"No there is a train station on the edge of town. Only problem is getting a ticket to get on board."

Loki looked at Sylvie in disbelief, "We are Loki's. We will find a way." He smirked, "Now lead the way."

With that they set off across the rugged landscape, dodging debris falling from the sky every so often as the planet continued to crash onto the moon's surface.

About an hour later, they spied crowds huddling around the train with guards trying to control the situation, "I guess this is it." Sylvie stated.

"Well, this looks fun." Loki rolled his eyes.

"We can't fight our way onto that train." Sylvie looked at Loki, her face dumbfounded.

"Who said anything about fighting?" He smirked.

"All your plans so far involved fighting. Fighting with the TVA, fighting against your restraints oh and fighting against me..." Sylvie scowled.

"As if you have been any better?" Loki scoffed at her, folding his arms over his chest, "You would fight your own shadow if it annoyed you enough."

Sylvie ignored that comment, "I'm going to enchant one of the guards, have him lead us through the crowd and if anyone gives us any trouble..."

"What you will make him start shooting?" Loki raised his eyebrows disapproval written over his face, "then what? Kill every guard and hijack the train?"

Sylvie shrugged, "Whether or not that happens is on them."

"No. It's on you. We are doing this one my way." With that Loki used his powers to transform his clothes into the uniform the gaurds were wearing, "How do I look?"

"Like someone with a shit plan that is going to get us caught. That's what." She pulled her arm away from him in protest as he tried to grab onto it.

"Just follow my lead Sylvie." He said wrapping his hand firmly around her bicep.

Loki pulled a reluctant Sylvie towards the guard at the door to the entrance of the train, "Taking this one to Shuroo." Loki stated, nodding to the guard.

He looked them up and down, "Okay."

"Orders came from the top to get her on this train straight away."

The guard nodded, "Wait here." He said gruffly before popping his head around the door.

Shortly another guard appeared, "Take them to the holding cells."

With that Loki and Sylvie were escorted along the carriages to a bleak looking space, "Put her in there. You can keep watch of her." The guard barked at Loki.

Loki nodded ushering Sylvie into the cell, as he pretended to lock it he turned to speak to the other guard but he was gone.

"Very well that was easier than I thought." Loki stated, turning and opening the door for Sylvie to slip out, before proceeding to sit down on the bench at the doors to the carriage entrance.

Sylvie paced, like a caged animal.

"You can sit down."

"No. I have to be on alert."

"They let us on and think you are in a cell. I don't think they will be bothering us much." He patted the bench. "Come on."

Sylvie hesitated before quietly slipping onto the bench, as far away from Loki as she could. After a long silence she spoke. "Just a heads up. That wasn't even a plan."

Somewhere Along the Way...To the TVA Where stories live. Discover now