Alright Little Mouse. You Win...

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"Darling wake up."

Slowly my eyes attempted and failed to flutter open.

I had to be dreaming.

Because that was Loki's voice.

I felt someone's lips on my temples, then on my eyelids, on the end of my nose, on my cheeks and finally they landed on my lips.

I sighed into the kiss. A lazy smile making its way across my face as I finally willed my eyes open.

I wasn't dreaming. It was really him.

He pulled back from me, eyebrows raised and a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"I see you're still not a morning person My Love."

I stretched my leg out that had been tangled between his while we had been sleeping, trying to bring it back to life.

"Hmmm..." I groaned. "If I get to wake up like this forever. I suppose I could maybe be persuaded." I teased, reaching up to wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him again. He rolled over so I was lying on top of him, his arms gripping my waist.

I broke the kiss and sighed, tipping my head to the side. Staring down at the God beneath me.

His eyes searched my face, reaching up he tucked my hair behind my ear. His fingers running over my love lock.

"I know it's hard to believe. But I promise you it's me." His voice was gentle, as he smiled at me lovingly.

I smiled, "I know. I know. I just...I just want to remember this moment. Incase..." I trailed off.

His brows pulled together, "Incase what My Love?"

I sighed, "Incase I blink and it's not real. That you are gone and it's some sick joke the TVA has fabricated? In-in an attempt to control me? Maybe they have figured out what I'm capable of now too and used you to lure me in when I was most vulnerable? Or perhaps I'm actually dead and we are in heaven?"

Loki shook his head, "I remember the pain. I could hear you screaming out to me...on that battlefield. I remember it like it happened yesterday. Everything went dark. But, Eir. She sent me back. Yet as soon as I stepped back out over her threshold. The TVA took me." He looked confused, as he lay beneath me, reliving what happened. Then his eyes met mine. "I tried to fight them. To get away, but when Mobius promised me...that I could go back to you. Darling I vowed to do everything and anything I possibly could to make sure that happened. But what they are fighting for..."

"It's not real." I cut him off. "I seen your notes." I smiled. "I believe you. And I agree, Ravonna has more to do with this than they realise. B-15 said she wanted me pruned because I was piecing things together too quickly. She's hiding something."

Loki nodded, "Sylvie and I..."

I pulled back from him abruptly, "Who the hell is Sylvie?"

He looked confused by my response. "Sylvie? The Variant they had us looking for. Is a female version of"

"Oh." I felt a blush creep up my cheeks realising how I may have overreacted.

"Careful Darling. Your jealousy threatened to shine through there." He laughed, booping my nose with his finger.

I rolled my eyes.

"As I was saying. Sylvie hasn't been killing the Minutemen. She found them like that, only taking the reset charges in hopes she might have been able to use them. The TVA took her and her husband years ago. Fortunately Sylvie escaped, Theo however was not as lucky. All the people in the TVA, Y/N they weren't created there. They are all Variants, that have been taken from their timeline and their minds scrambled. Scrambled to believe all the hocus the TVA stands for. Which means...That somewhere, out there, there is someone or something behind all of this."

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