Chapter 4: We're Engaged!

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Y/N woke up early the next morning alone in bed with Johnny nowhere to be seen. She got up rubbing her eyes, yawning and made her way to her desk taking out her scrapbook and began putting all the photos from yesterday altogether in it. Soon Johnny came in with breakfast in bed ready for her.

"Good morning my love." he whispered in her ear as he kissed her cheek

"Good morning fiancé." She smiled looking at him and the breakfast he brought. "I'll go brush my teeth, be right back." Y/N got up and walked to the bathroom.

Johnny glanced at the pages she was putting together, he was happy that she was using the supplies he bought for her for her page of them getting engaged. He quickly backed away as she came out of the bathroom climbing back into bed and started eating the breakfast.

"I have to head out to the store soon."

"Can you take another day off?" he whined and put his face in the crook of her neck giving her soft kisses.

"I can't, and I can't be late" she giggled as Johnny took the tray away putting it on the floor "Oh no, I know what you're thinking. I seriously can't be late"

Johnny smirked and was soon on top of Y/N kissing her as he felt her give in. "I hate you so much right now." She pulled his shirt off and threw it to the side as he deepened the kiss, smiling as they spent the small rest of their morning together.


-- Y/N's Store --

"THAT'S SO ROMANTIC! I WISH THAT WAS MY PROPOSAL" Bobby said as he held Y/N's hand looking at her ring as she told them the story of how Johnny proposed to her

"I literally proposed to you at a restaurant in Spain during the most beautiful sunset." Brad said staring at Bobby blankly

"Yeah but we never had mind blowing sex afterwards, we just went back to our hotel then hopped on a plane home."

Y/N and Bobby busted out into laughter as Brad just shook his head at Bobby, annoyed but he still loved him so it was ok with him. They all continued on with their day, leaving Y/N trying to figure out how to tell her brother, Sue, and Reed. She figured she'd tell Ben when they grabbed lunch that day which she realized she was late for.

"Be back soon! Having lunch with Ben!" she yelled to Brad and Bobby as she ran out the door and headed to the restaurant.


Y/N made it to the restaurant seeing Ben outside at their table waving her down. "I'm so sorry I'm late Ben, I lost track of time."

"Ah no worries. Just glad you made it safe."

The two siblings spent the next hour talking about how excited they were for Sue and Reed's wedding that was in a few days. Ben also offered his help when it came time for Y/N to move into her house and reminded her she should tell Johnny. She agreed but didn't want to just yet until the papers were officially signed, she didn't want to get both of their hopes up if something were to go south.

"I also have some news Ben..." Y/N smiled at her brother and held up her left hand showing her ring "Johnny proposed yesterday!!"

"Oh that's great sis, that's really great congratulations." He got up and hugged his sister, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "I'm so happy that I get to see your dreams come true."

"Thank you Benny." Y/N smiled big "Guess I have to do my own wedding planning, oh gosh!"

"I'll help you, just let me know ok–" he was soon cut off by Johnny landing on the street after flying past them. "Look who it is, You know you forgot to ask me permission to marry my little sister."

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