Chapter 6: Wedding Disaster

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Today was the day! Sue and Reed's Wedding Day! Y/N was the most excited, she got up at 4am that morning to make sure everything was perfect. She also made sure there were no paparazzi or news reporters there to interrupt but that didn't stop them from showing up. Johnny made sure to hire security for the front of the Baxter Building; he didn't want one person there to ruin his big sister's wedding. Plus, he didn't want Y/N to kick his ass for allowing that to happen...


"Ok, everything's ready. Just need Sue to finish her makeup and hair." Y/N said to herself as she headed to her and Johnny's bedroom to do her own hair and make-up.

"You look beautiful..."

Y/N turned and smiled big seeing Johnny standing in the doorway of their bathroom. She continued to wash her face as Johnny walked in and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her shoulder lightly.

"I know what you're doing mister..."

"I have no idea what you're talking about..." Johnny said quietly against her shoulder as his hands moved to her hips lifting her silk pajama nightgown up a bit

"We don't have time my love" she got shortness of breath getting a little turned on by what he was doing

"I can be quick..." he moved to kiss her neck "I promise" he said with a heavy breath smiling feeling her shiver

"5 minutes Johnny" she rolled her eyes turning and put her hands on his face kissing him hard "If we're late I'll kick your ass." she said as Johnny lifted her on their bathroom counter

"Of course, you will..." he said against her lips as he held her hips tight

Y/N moved her hands down, undoing Johnny's belt and lowering his pants as they fell down to his ankles. He opened her legs, letting him stand in between her with no issues. Y/N gripped Johnny's hair making him groan as she smiled, He moved down kissing her neck as he also moved his hand down under her silk pajama nightgown. Y/N gasped and whimpered, as Johnny pulled her underwear off letting his fingers run through her folds then stick them inside her going painfully slow. Johnny smiled as Y/N gripped his shirt and hid her face in his shoulder trying to control herself, but it was no use.

"Please Johnny... Please" she begged still holding him tight

"You know my name sweetheart" he picked up his pace running his fingers fast in and out of her making her squirm and bite his shoulder "say my name Pidge... Say my name"

Y/N opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. "Mm... T-" She struggled to catch her breath making her grip Johnny's hair again, whimpering from the pleasure. "Please Torch... Please!" she begged as she came on his fingers as he pulled out of her.

Johnny smiled watching her close her eyes trying to catch her breath, he kissed her lips softly picking her up and laying her down on the bed lining himself up to her entrance. "You ready Pidge?" He looked down at her nodding her head frantically as he thrusted into her harder than he ever had before making her squeal.

"Fuck Pidge... make that sound again" Johnny locked his hands with hers and laid on top of her putting his face into the crook of her neck and he thrusted in and out of her.

"J-Johnny! Mm..." Y/N screamed as she crossed her legs over Johnny pulling him down onto her, allowing him to go deeper into her. The room was boiling, filled with the sound of skin clapping. Y/N bit her lip as the pleasure was starting to reach another level.

Johnny lifted his head and kissed Y/N hard and passionately. "Fuck Pidge you feel so good..." He felt her clench around him, he knew she was close but was fighting it. "Pidge, cum for me honey. Come on" he picked up his pace as he kissed her.

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