Chapter 7: Silver Surfer

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It was now 10 o'clock at night, everyone soon left and gone to bed, but Y/N was still outside on the balcony waiting for Johnny. She was about to head inside when she saw him flying in the sky, kind of glitching out. He looked down at her, flew to her, and went out as he was trying to land, making Y/N catch him.

"Johnny!" She held him as he tried to get his balance back.

"I-I'm alright..." he was breathing heavily

"Come on, let's get you inside."

Y/N helped Johnny inside and sat him down on their couch as she went to get him some cold water. He was exhausted but also thankful to see that she was ok. She handed him the glass and sat down next to him listening to him explain what had happened.


"Silver Surfer?"

"Y/N I swear, that's what I saw."

"Johnny, I believe you I do. It's just-" she took a deep breath "Hard to imagine that exists."

"Well, it for sure does..." he looked around as he drank the water, she had given him "Where is everyone?"

"They all went to sleep, Sue wanted this day to be over, Reed has a meeting with the general in the morning, the silver surfer destroyed that sensor he built..."

"Man..." Johnny yawned still looking weak

"Come on love, let's go to bed."

Johnny nodded and got up; Y/N helped him to their room. He took off his Fantastic Four suit and changed into his pj's as did Y/N changing out of her dress and laid down. Johnny got into bed and just stared at the ceiling trying to figure out why he felt so weird.

Y/N sensed he was still awake and rubbed his shoulder, "Come here..." she whispered softly as Johnny turned and laid his head on her chest holding her tight. He suddenly relaxed, hearing her heartbeat and her hand softly moving up and down his back.

"I love you Y/N"

"I love you too Johnny."

They both closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep.


-- The Next Morning -- 

Ben, Sue, Johnny, Reed, Y/N and the General with some soldiers all gathered in Reed's lab looking at his destroyed sensor

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Ben, Sue, Johnny, Reed, Y/N and the General with some soldiers all gathered in Reed's lab looking at his destroyed sensor. Y/N sat down on the steps next to Johnny comforting him as he went on to explain what happened to him after the wedding. Everyone was in disbelief and thought he was making everything up, but Y/N gave them a stare making them believe Johnny.

Reed explained that the surfer didn't want to be detected, along with it having the ability to convert matter and energy. It can radiate cosmic energy when it exerts itself.

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