Chapter 11: My Best Friend's Wedding

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Today was the biggest day of Brad and Bobby's life, their wedding day. The night before Brad headed over to Y/N's house to stay the night since Brad claimed himself the bride of their wedding and said they couldn't see each other.

Y/N and Brad spent the night having fun like they used too, watching movies, making dinner, and just having fun. Y/N's emotions were all over the place, she was still hurt from the breakup with Johnny but also excited and fighting the urge to cry as she helped Brad, her best friend who is like a second brother to her get ready to marry the love of his life.

"Y/N, did I ever tell you how thankful I am for you?"

"Only about a million times." Y/N smiled as she fixed Brad's tie.

"You going to be alright?" Brad looked at her concerned

"I'll be fine, you and Bobby have the best honeymoon in Europe and-"

"Bring you back a magnet." they laughed together

"You ready to head over?"

"Ready as I'll ever be... I just wish my parents were here."

"I know honey..." She hugged Brad tight "I know..."

They pulled apart smiling at each other collecting the things they needed as they headed out to Y/N's car. Brad popped in their old playlist CD from high school making them sing their heads off as Y/N drove them to the ceremony.


Y/N and Brad soon arrived and headed to their room the venue gave them and waited there as Bobby was in his room getting ready with Johnny...

"Thanks for the last-minute sailor suit, Bobby."

"Mhm." Bobby replied coldly as he was struggling to do his hair from nerves

"Here, hold on." Johnny walked over taking the comb and gel out of Bobby's hands and started to style his hair the way he wanted it "You nervous?" he asked as he combed the gel into his hair

"I'm marrying the love of my life, of course I'm nervous." he took a deep breath "I-I'm just sad that Brad's family isn't here to see him get married..." Bobby express as he saw Johnny smirk "What?"

"Well, I didn't get you guys a gift, so I went to Brad's parents' house, his father and mother regretted their actions and are here to see you guys get married..."

"What?!" Bobby looked at Johnny as Brad's parents walked in when he finished his hair

"Are you Bobby?" Brad's mother asked softly nervous as her husband followed behind her

"Y-Yes, yes I am ma'am" Bobby got up looking at them

"Call us Mom and Dad son." Brad's father said as they hugged Bobby "My son knows how to pick them. You look handsome."

"T-Thank you. Thank you for coming, this will mean so much to him."

They nodded hugging Bobby again and left to go to their seats. Johnny smiled as he got to see that moment happen between Bobby and Brad's parents.

"It was about time for it to happen."

"Y/N is here, I don't want any drama, just apologize. You can just say what she wants from you to get her back, you have to actually mean and go through with it Johnny."

"Bobby, trust me I will. I-I want a family with her, I want to marry her. I want that beautiful woman out there to be mine again, I want to be able to show her off and make others jealous that I was able to win the heart of the most loving, caring, dreamer, sexy, badass woman she is. I want Y/N to be my wife, to be the mother of my kids, I want her to be the person I grow old with. I've been in love with her since eighth grade Bobby, I lost her once in high school, almost again two years ago and now—" Johnny sighed holding back the tears that were trying to fall from his teary eyes.

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