Chapter 20: Johnny rises

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The weather picked up, the sky was a dark gray black with the clouds lowering down to the city. Victor was floating looking at the sky waiting to see who the destroyer was and ready to defeat him. Johnny, still invisible thanks to Sue's power reached Victor staying at a distance from him.

The rage he had from two years ago and now had finally surfaced, there he was in front of the man who killed the love of his life. The wind picked up around them almost tornado like weather but worse, he knew this was his time to strike and finally end this nightmare.

 The wind picked up around them almost tornado like weather but worse, he knew this was his time to strike and finally end this nightmare

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"To quote a friend of mine... it's clobbering time."

Victor gasped as Johnny extended his arm punching him in the face sending him flying only to grab him and punch him again. Victor flipped through the air and grunt as he raced back to Johnny using the boards power to make the side of the buildings their were between collapse, Johnny flew back reaching a power and sling shotting himself back to Victor.

Meanwhile as Johnny and Victor were fighting, Ben raced to a crane he saw down the street. He threw open the gate and began to climb the ladders all the way to the top of the crane.

Climbing as fast as he could he watched the battle, he was proud of Johnny for stepping up but also excited to get a little even with Victor for taking away his sister.

Johnny flew full speed towards Victor shooting a fireball at him then quickly going invisible. Victor was hit by it but no damage was done since he used the energy from the board to save himself from the blast. He regained his balance only to feel something wrapped around him tight like a snake with its pray.

Johnny revealed himself to be the one wrapped around Victor tightening his hold around him. He looked down seeing the control pad he had on his arm, he was quickly thinking of what to do when a short memory of a conversation he had with Y/N played in his head.


-- Johnny's Memory --

"I'm just saying love, I know going super nova is bad along with dangerous, BUT when an enemy has you in a tight hold like that thing did." She threw her purse on the couch and sat down "Heat up, make yourself get really hot basically burning them and you'll be able to escape and do a bit of damage."

She turned looking at Johnny who was looking at the mail they had gotten at the front desk "That way you're not a sitting duck waiting for Sue, Reed, or Ben to help you." she smiled at him

"You know, for someone who doesn't have powers or fight crime-" he walked over to her throwing the mail on their coffee table "You sure come up with a lot of different strategies." Johnny sat down on the couch next to her putting his hand on her knee

"Well I am Ben Grimm's sister and I do fight crime, with you mister."

"Oh yeah?" he raised an eyebrow leaning over Y/N making her lay down on the couch as he hovered over her "How so Pidge?"

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