Chapter 21: Wedding day bliss

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It had been a few days since the incident with the Silver Surfer and Galactus. The day after Y/N and Johnny went to the hospital to get Y/N checked out to make sure nothing happened to the baby, they shut their eyes praying and smiled big as they heard its heartbeat, everything was fine.

Everyone soon flew to Japan where Y/N had planned an extremely small private wedding, she made sure Alicia was there and everything was perfect.

The wedding began, Ben and Alicia stood on Reed's side as Y/N was on Sue's. Reed was standing at the alter watching Johnny walk Sue down the aisle, everyone smiled as Johnny gave Sue away.

After he did he walked over to Y/N standing behind her snaking his arms around her waist and laying his head down on her shoulder.

Ever since the surfer brought her back to him, he's been really clingy with her. Johnny never left Y/N's side for a minute, she noticed this quickly but didn't mind. Y/N would be doing the same if the roles were reversed, she was just happy to be with Johnny and know that their baby was ok after everything that had happened.

"Comfy there Torch?" she asked as he hid his face kissing her shoulder lightly as he softly rubbed his hand on her stomach

"Just thankful I get to hold my girls..." He whispered in her ear as he kissed the side of her head.

Y/N chuckled softly, ever since they went to their appointment to find out if the baby was ok, Johnny has been saying that it's a girl although Y/N feels it's a boy. No matter what the baby is, she'll love them no matter what.

The ceremony began nice and romantic until Reed's pager went off... Everyone groaned, Ben and Alicia chuckled, Johnny groaned as Y/N was getting ready mentally to plan another wedding for them.

"What is it?" Sue asked Reed

"Venice is sinking into the sea."

"That's a big one." Ben said looking down

"Duty calls storm" Y/N whispered as Johnny tighten his grip a bit on her as he groaned in her neck. "I'm always with you my love." She moved her hand up pulling the chain she gave Johnny so he'd always have a piece of her where ever he went.

Sue took a deep breath nodding her head and turned to the priest "Can we skip to the end, the way end." she asked as she took the ring from Y/N as Reed took his ring from Ben

"Sue do you?"

"I Do." She put the ring on Reed

"Reed do you?"

"I Do" He put the ring on Sue

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."

Reed and Sue kissed then rushed down the aisle to the Fantasticar as everyone laughed following them. Ben said goodbye to Alicia and got in the car.

"I-I don't-" Johnny was struggling with the idea of leaving Y/N

"I'll be fine, I'll be on the next flight out with Alicia." she smiled up at him and cupped his face with her hands "Just make sure you come back to me..."

"I always do..." He leaned in kissing her passionately "I love you Pidge" he leaned his forehead against hers

"I love you more Torch, I'll see you at home."

Johnny kissed her forehead then bent down leaving a kiss on her stomach saying bye to the baby and headed off to get into the Fantasticar.

Sue and Reed ran down but stopped because Sue had to throw the bouquet. Sue backed up turning to everyone smiling big then turned around throwing it back. It flew in the air, everyone had their arms up to catch it.

Y/N was ready but put her hands down since it went a different direction from where she was. Suddenly it caught on fire... Everyone turned giving Johnny the look especially Y/N.

"Sorry, but if Pidge wasn't the one to catch it then-" he shrugged as Y/N laughed a little covering her face embarrassed. "Well no one was catching it." He sat in the front

The Fantasticar soon flew up and high into the sky

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The Fantasticar soon flew up and high into the sky. Everyone walked over waving goodbye as Y/N locked arms with Alicia watching them leave. Johnny winked at her as they went up drawing a giant 4 in the sky then flew off to Italy...

-- Little Note --

The baby is fine everyone! 🎉
Next chapter will be the last one! 🥺

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