Chapter 18: Our world is ending

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The five of them were in the Fantasticar leaving Germany and following Victor's trail. Johnny was flamed up and flying beside the car but mostly stayed beside Y/N. She never took her eyes off of Johnny as he flew next to her, she was just admiring the love of her life, yes, the world was probably going to end but she was happy he was with her. Johnny watched Y/N closely still in celebration of the news she told him. They were both snapped out of it when Ben spoke up.

"Okay. We're now officially enemies of the United States of America. Victor is out there somewhere with unlimited power. And we've got a giant intergalactic force that's about to destroy our planet in less than 24 hours. Did I miss anything?"

Y/N laughed a bit "Well, you missed the news that I'm pregnant!" she yelled into her headset smiling looking at Johnny who looked back to Ben

"I'M GOING TO BE AN UNCLE?!" Ben yelled happily at the news as Johnny and Y/N smiled laughing at his reaction to the good news

"I've locked on Victor's energy trail. He's headed over Southeast China. "Hang on." Reed yelled as he made the turn toward Victors coordinates


"Norrin Radd."

"What?" Y/N turned away from Johnny and to him

"I was once called Norrin Radd." the surfer told her even though Sue already told them his name

"Norrin, we'll need your help to save our world. Do you understand?" Y/N pleaded as he just stared her down

Suddenly a blast of cosmic energy hit then sending them into a small turbulence

"What the hell was that?" Ben said looking around when Victor appeared

"Victor, the board is drawing the Destroyer here. You have to give it up." Reed yelled pleading to him

"You know, I've never been the giving type, Reed."

Victor went to hit them again with another blast "Hold on!" Reed yelled as he flew the Fantasticar toward the water to get away from Victor

Johnny was behind them until y/n nodded at him. He pulled away and flew to Victor only for him to bring up a spring of water hitting Johnny putting his flame out making him fall into the nearby island of trees.

Victor turned and chased them making a whole in the water that shot up the energy but luckily missed them

"We're sitting ducks!" Ben yelled

"We're gonna have to split up!"

"What?" Sue screamed concerned and let go of the controls covering her eyes

"This ought to be fun!"

"Stay with me Sue!"

The Fantasticar spilt into three ways. Y/N rolled her eyes and took over the controls flying the part they were in and followed Reed, in that moment she was thankful for Ben for making her take some pilot lessons when he worked at NASA.

Victor threw energy to a mountain making it collapse in front of them. Ben went to the right as Reed went to the left, Y/N followed going up and to the side avoiding the rocks. She soon flew to the Great Wall trying to shake Victor off their tail.

"He's really pissing me off!" Sue yelled looking back at Victor

"Shut up Sue!" Y/N yelled trying to concentrate on flying

Victor made a tower on the wall soon collapse in front of them "Shit!" Y/N flew over to the side avoiding the rocks and going up as Victor flew into the rocks.

"Surf's up, metalhead!" Ben yelled punching Victor in the face trying to knock him off the board

"Victor, only the Surfer can stop the Destroyer. But he needs his board." Reed yelled to him

"Come and get it, Richards."

"Victor!" Johnny yelled flying towards him

"Let's all go for a spin!"

Victor soon spun making a tornado grabbing Johnny and everyone

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Victor soon spun making a tornado grabbing Johnny and everyone. Y/N held onto the controls as Victor threw everyone into Shanghai. The three crafts all landed in different parts of the city.

Y/N thankfully landed their craft safely with no damage to her or Sue. They both got out seeing Norrin and tourist standing there when Victor appeared.

"Norrin!" Sue yelled running to him

"Catch!" Victor yelled throwing a spear at Norrin

Sue made a shield pop up as she stood in front of Norrin hoping to stop it. then Y/N remembered that the power of that board could go through Sue's shield.

"SUE NO!" Y/N after Sue pushing her out of the way only to be stabbed in the chest by the spear.

"Y/N!" Sue yelled catching her

"Y/N!" Ben yelled as he and Reed headed over to her as she layed on her knees

"Oh my god!" Johnny said flaming down and ran to Y/N scared as he yelled her name "Y/N! Y/N!!"

-- Little Note --


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