Chapter 19: I love you...

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"Y/N! Y/N!!" Johnny yelled running towards her

The spear disappeared leaving a mark where it hit her. Y/N lost her breath for a moment as she fell into Sue's lap as Reed held her hand looking at her as Sue put pressure on her wound.

Ben stared at his sister who was on the ground horribly injured, he was in shock to process what had just happened. He turned to see Johnny running towards her.

"Johnny don't touch her" Ben said stopping Johnny as he backed away in horror

It hurt Ben to say that, but with Reed and Sue so close to Y/N that risking a power switch in that moment wasn't worth it. Y/N shut her eyes tight fighting the pain trying to get up and go to Johnny, but she couldn't, instead she fell back again into Sue's lap as she held her crying knowing there was nothing, they could do.

"Y-you guys need to find a way to get that board back!" Y/N coughed out fighting the pain she was in looking at everyone

"Y/N, I..." Reed said still in shock over what had just happened to her

Norrin turned to the sky seeing the sudden weather change "He is here."

"Reed? Reed." Ben yelled snapping Reed back into reality

"Victor's gotta have a pulse emitter linking him to his board. We take it out, we can separate him from his board." Reed said shaking his head trying to think

"He's too strong for me." Johnny explained not taking his eyes off of Y/N who was breathing heavy

"I could whale on him if I get close, but he could see me coming from a mile away." Ben added

"It would take all of us."

"Or maybe just one of us." Johnny said as Y/N smiled at him weakly

"We don't know what it could do to you."

"Let's not make this about me." Johnny said looking to the team as they agreed. He then bent down towards Y/N looking at her worried as she grabbed his forearm

"Don't you worry about me love. I'm going to be fine" she took a deep breath "You go up there and kick his ass. Play smart." Johnny put his forehead against hers "Just make sure you come back to me." she whispered as a tear fell

Johnny kissed her forehead fighting back tears "I will." he kissed her again "You know I will" Sue moved over letting Johnny put his hand on the side of Y/N's face kissing her passionately then pulling away "I love you Y/N, always have. Always will."

"I love you too Johnny. More than you could imagine." She smiled at him weakly putting her hand on his "When this is over, we're going to go home, going to plan our wedding, get married and get ready to have our baby." she looked at him in awe

Johnny smiled teary eyed. He was amazed that even though Y/N was injured badly she still was dreaming and looking to the positives.

"I wouldn't change a thing." she told him

"Neither would I" he noticed her getting tired "You stay awake for me now Pidge. I'll be back." He kissed her one last time then threw his hand onto the teams absorbing their powers. He flamed up and headed towards Victor

 He flamed up and headed towards Victor

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"Go get'em Torch..." Y/N whispered watching Johnny fly away. Ben ran to a store nearby grabbing a jacket and ran to hold his sister in his arms hugging her tight

"I'll be ok Benny, take care of Johnny" she took a shaky breath "I love you big brother..." she whispered to him smiling as she closed her eyes taking her final breath. She, His little sister was gone...

Ben cried and kissed her forehead then gently handed Y/N back to Sue and Reed getting up to go help Johnny.

They both cried holding her and looked up watching the weather change worsen and watched Johnny fight Victor.

Johnny went invisible so Victor couldn't see him when he suddenly felt a pain in his chest... He knew exactly what it was, it was a piece of his heart breaking.

He looked back to where he left everyone, knowing the love of his life was gone. Johnny growled furiously turning straight ahead seeing Victor. He knew this was it...

-- Little Note --

I 100% cried writing this chapter and also sorry this chapter is short! Next one will make up for it!

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