Chapter 2: Just sold

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Sue and Y/N spent the whole day doing arrangements for Sue and Reed's big day. Guest list checks, making sure the suits and dresses are all pressed and tailored along with the caterers. They made their way all around New York having fun and adding last minute things to the registry. Sue couldn't help but feel like Y/N was hiding something, so she decided to corner her while they were shopping.

"What's on your mind Y/N?"

"Hm?" she looked at Sue processing what she said "Oh nothing, nothing" she checked her watch then looked around more

"I know you Y/N, spill"

Y/N sighed and took a deep breath, as much as she wanted to lie she couldn't. "I have an open house to go too..." She looked at Sue who was shocked. "I've saved some money and I've been looking around thinking about buying a house." She looked at sue scared of her response

"Y-you want to leave the Baxter building too?" Sue just stared at Y/N who looked down at her feet "That's great Y/N" she smiled genuinely

"You're not mad?"

"No! Not one bit!" she smiled and hugged Y/N "You know Reed and I have been talking about just getting a place of our own to have kids, I mean we've talked about it with you, but I didn't know you wanted the same."

Y/N laughed "As much as I love it there, I-I want a place of my own. It gets too much sometimes with all the visitors and everything." She took a breath. "I have dreams of owning a house and getting married, having kids, and the normal suburban life." she paused a little sad "I just don't know if Johnny wants the same..."

"I know he'd want all of that with you." Sue smiled at Y/N "I'm done here, now let's go to that open house!" she linked her arm with Y/N's and walked out the store tailing a cab and going to the houses address


The realtor showed Sue and Y/N around the house, it was absolutely beautiful

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The realtor showed Sue and Y/N around the house, it was absolutely beautiful. Five bedrooms, five bathrooms, the kitchen was beautiful, and it was off the lake with the most gorgeous view. Y/N immediately fell in love with the home. Brad and Bobby soon popped up at the home as well to look. Brad, Bobby, and Sue were basically there as support.

"Y/N this is perfect for you..." Bobby said leaning against the kitchen island

"I'd make an offer Y/N, really." Brad added as he came in looking at the view

Y/N shook her head thinking about Johnny and what he would think. She knew he'd panic about it, every time she tried to talk to him about maybe moving out or starting a family, he'd go full turtle mode and hide, changing the subject immediately. Although she knew she should talk to Johnny first she made the decision.

"I'll take it." Y/N turned to the realtor with the biggest smile on her face

Brad and Bobby were smiling big as Sue stood there proud of Y/N making this decision. Y/N filled out her information and set a meeting for the next week to go over everything and sign the papers for her new home.

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