Chapter 8: Johnny finds out

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Y/N, Bobby, and Brad were out shopping for furniture for Y/N and Johnny's new home. She had everything ready to surprise him and tell him the good news about the house. She had just signed the official papers that morning and couldn't be more excited.

"Alright" Bobby took it upon himself to be Y/N's interior designer, going off of her and Johnny's interests of style. "This dining room set is the best. Fits you and his style perfectly."

Brad was holding up the photos of the rooms of the house he had taken so Bobby could use his visual touch. Y/N was enjoying her time and absolutely loved everything Bobby was picking out for her home.

"I love that, Bobby." she smiled at him "Now, I just gotta get things for around the house, coffee maker, pots pans, and stuff."

"We're on it. Onto the next store!"

The three of them laughed and spent the next 4 hours shopping.


-- The Baxter Building --

Reed and Sue were in the sitting area watching the latest news headline about Sue and what happened with the power switch along with mentioning the wedding. Johnny walked in noticing they were having a private moment and went to leave but then heard them talking.

Sue was heartbroken and tired of the news with their lives being so public. Reed then suggested the idea of them leaving the Baxter Building, living a normal life. Although Sue was ecstatic about the idea, she was worried about leaving Ben and Johnny, they were a team. They talked and said they'd be fine, Ben had Alicia and Johnny had Y/N. They laughed happily but decided until they had a for sure plan, this will be kept quiet for now.

Johnny heard every word and left to find Ben and Alicia.


"They're breaking up the team!"

Johnny yelled as he walked into the room where Ben was lifting weights and Alicia was sitting on the couch. Ben put the weights back and got up confused.

"Who is?"

"Reed and Sue, I just heard them." Johnny leaned against the cabinet. "They want to leave and quit the team."

"What about us?!" Ben got upset quickly "They expect us to keep this going with just the two of us?"

Johnny laughed at Ben "And call us what? 'The Fantastic Duo'?!"

"When were they going to tell us?!"

"they'll tell you when they're ready. You both have no right to judge them. It's their decision, not yours." Alicia said calmly, making Ben and Johnny really think about her words.

"Johnny have you and Y/N ever talked about your future together?"

"Yeah, she wants what I want. Live here and do the same thing we're doing now. I do the superhero gig as she runs her store." He shrugged "Only thing to change will be us having rings on our fingers and saying 'I Do'"

Ben shook his head. He knew his sister wanted a family and a semi normal life with Johnny. He calmed down about Reed and Sue since Y/N was doing the same when she bought the house. Alicia was right about not being upset with them.

"And what if Y/N wants something different? I mean she did just buy a house--"

Before she could finish and reveal Y/N's secret to Johnny, Ben coughed loudly as a sign for her to not mention it. Johnny looked up confused and knew what Alicia was going to say but Reed soon walked in before he could ask her what she was going to say.

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