Chapter 17: Locked Up

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The team had arrived back at the army base in Germany. Everyone spread apart walking in different directions, they took away the surfers board to one area of the base. Johnny as holding onto her hand as they walked, she started feeling sick to her stomach shortly after what happened in the forest but tried to hold it together until they got to a room or when she could find a bathroom. She looked over seeing Reed furious with Hager.

"Open the gate! Get him to the debriefing room." The general yelled to everyone

"We had an agreement." Reed ran up to him as the team followed

"Calm down. The enemy has been captured." He barked back to Reed

"Where is he?" Reed asked as they were all led into a room


"General?" a man suddenly approached them entering the room

"Mr. Sherman. If you'll excuse us, we have work to do."

"I want to be there for the questioning." Reed demanded

"Not gonna happen." The General turned to a soldier "Make sure our guests remain here, comfortably."

"Yes, sir." He replied making sure to stand guard as with all of them locked in the room they were in

"General, what about the board?"

"It's in a chamber which continuously scrambles the signal."


"Are we prisoners? How did that happen?" Johnny asked as he walked around then saw Y/N rubbing her stomach and quickly went over to her

"Apparently, they don't want us interfering with their methods."

"I can't imagine what they're doing to him." Sue whispered

"I say he gets what he deserves." Ben snarled

"How can you say that?" Sue turned to Ben angry

"I'm just saying maybe the general's right about this." Ben sat up looking at Sue "The guy was about to destroy the planet. He said so himself."

"It doesn't make sense. He protected Y/N and I from the missile. Why would he do that?"

"Maybe he thinks you and Y/N are cute." Ben laughed as Johnny gave him a dirty look shaking his head

"There's more going on. He said he wasn't the Destroyer."

"Maybe he lied?"

"We need to get inside there and talk to him."

"But under the radar."

"Is there any way we could get some DVDs or popcorn or something?" Johnny asked opening the door to talk to the guard as Sue went invisible and snuck out

"I'll call it in."

"Great. Thank you. Semper fi." Johnny said proudly as Y/N heard shaking her head

"That's the Marine Corps. We're the Army."

"Right, I know it's the Army." Johnny closed the door then turned seeing Y/N with her head in a bucket throwing up "Y/N!" He ran over and held her hair back "You alright?" he asked looking at her scared

"I'm fine" she wiped her mouth "I actually have something to tell you..."

Y/N looked at Ben and Reed as they were in the own little world waiting for Sue to come back with information on the surfer "Johnny-"

Ben soon opened the door letting Sue in, Johnny helped Y/N up and listened as Sue explained what the surfer said. A destroyer of worlds named Galactus was coming. The surfers board whose name was Norrin Radd, is a beacon for Galactus to follow.

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