Chapter 9: Aftermath

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Hours later after Y/N's fight with Johnny where he said the most heartbreaking things to her, she left and went to stay at Brad and Bobby's apartment for the night. She sat down on their couch crying her eyes out heartbroken in Brad's arms as Bobby called Reed and Sue telling them what happened and also so they could tell Ben. Moments after that phone call the three of them soon arrived to comfort her.

"Hey little sis..." Ben said softly as Y/N held her arms out to hug her brother and cried more "I'm so sorry Y/N..." Ben just held his sister as she cried into his arms.

Sue walked into the kitchen with Reed to talk to Brad.

"What did he say to her?" Sue asked looking back at Y/N concerned

"he said that he never wanted a family with her, no boring ass domestic lifestyle. He just proposed to her because that was what she wanted not him, not one bit and just wanted them to stay the same with no changes." Brad soon got frustrated. "Sue your brother is the biggest asshole this planet has ever had." Brad then grabbed the tray holding four hot chocolates he had made and walked back to Y/N and them.

"I can't believe Johnny would say those things..."

"Reed, that wasn't my brother, I know him."

"I don't know Sue, maybe he's changed. The amount of fame he has can do that..." Reed left the kitchen also and walked over to hug a crying Y/N

Sue stood there angry at her brother for what he did. He spent his whole life loving that woman who is now crying heartbroken over him, seeing her cry was one of the things he hated the most. She knew when they got back to the Baxter Building, she was going to have a well thought out talk with her brother.

"What're you going to do now Y/N" Bobby asked as she watched Y/N wipe her face and drink some hot chocolate Brad gave her

"I'm moving out of the Baxter Building tomorrow."

"Y/N maybe you and Johnny should talk-"

"Reed, I'm sorry but he said enough today... He doesn't want what I want" she sniffed "I need to get out of there and be away from him right now. I'm sorry, I just can't"

"I understand sweetheart." Reed rubbed Y/N's arm thinking of a way to help her "We'll have Johnny do more tests in the morning, that'll give you, Brad, Bobby, and Ben time to pack all your things and move out of there." He smiled "Then afterwards we'll sneak out and help you move into your new home."

Y/N smiled and hugged Reed tight. "Thank you, Reed. Thank you so much."

"Anything for you Y/N, you're like a little sister to me." Reed smiled softly at her

"I'll call the moving company right now and get a truck." Brad got up and grabbed his house phone to make the call

"I think this is a good thing, plus half of the furniture we bought today arrives at the house tomorrow, we can quickly get it all put together." Bobby added looking at the positives

"Thank you, everyone"

Y/N smiled at everyone as she just enjoyed their company getting her mind off of Johnny.


Sue and Reed headed back to the Baxter Building, Reed went to the lab to set up some fake tests for Johnny as Sue went to go and talk some sense into her brother...

"JOHNNY!" She yelled as she walked in, seeing no trace of him until she looked in the living room area.

Johnny was on the floor sitting down crying while drinking a bottle of vodka with his eyes closed. Sue walked over and kicked Johnny's leg waking him up, it hurt her seeing her little brother like this, but she was still angry at him.

"What did you do to Y/N Johnny..." she sat down next to him as he cried more looking down at the carpet

"I messed up Sue. I-I messed up." he cried out and looked at Y/N's engagement ring he had in his hand "I was just so mad at her."

"Why were you mad at her Johnny?"

"Because she did the biggest step in our lives without me..." he took another sip from the bottle as Sue took it away from him and gave him water

"She did it because she wanted to surprise you Johnny, that girl who is out there crying her eyes out heartbroken just wanted to surprise you and have a semi normal life with you." she looked Johnny in the eyes "She had dreams and you were in them- and one little secret surprise you destroyed those dreams."

"Sue- I was scared"

"Scared of what?"

"Something new, I was scared of change..." he looked to the floor again "I want kids with her, I want to raise a family with her, I want everything with her..." he closed his fist that he was holding the ring in "I screwed up Sue, I lost her... I lost her because I couldn't handle the fact that she took a step without me."

Sue stayed quiet and just held her brother as he cried in her arms. They sat there for ten more minutes until Johnny started to sober up. Sue helped him up and got him to bed as he looked at her still heartbroken.

"I hope this is all a horrible nightmare..." He said as he got under the covers to go to bed

"Yeah it is, but it's real life..." Sue said quietly as she left his room shutting the door and headed back upstairs to the lab.


Sue walked in on Reed who was preparing tests for Johnny but also struggling to come up with things.

"Sue, I thought you had gone to bed. You ok?"

"No, but let's help Y/N move out of here."

They both nodded and got to work on the tests to do on Johnny tomorrow. Brad and Bobby soon set up a timeline with them double checking everything was going to be ready tomorrow. As for Y/N she just sat their on Brad and Bobby's couch quiet ready to start over...

-- Little Note --

Sorry this chapter is so short! Hope you enjoy!

Also, Johnny, ya idiot.

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