Chapter 12: London Eye

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It was early the next morning; Johnny's phone was ringing nonstop. He slowly opened his eyes seeing Y/N soundly asleep next to him holding his hand, as much as he wanted to just lay there and stare at her he had to see who was calling him.

He groaned turning to grab his phone seeing he had fifty-six missed called from Reed and thirty-four from Sue, Johnny called Reed back and sat up quickly as Reed explained the surfer was going to create another hole in London and they had to leave fast. Johnny agreed and hung up looking back at
Y/N, her face suddenly scrunched up as one of her hands held her stomach.

"Pidge, hey..." Johnny rubbed her arm softly, but before he could ask her what was wrong, she got up running to the bathroom to throw up. He quickly followed her and tied her hair up for her "Pidge, you alright?"

"No... I don't feel good at all" she whined crying a little

Johnny helped Y/N back to bed, he didn't want to leave her, but he had no choice. He soon called Brad who thankfully wasn't leaving for his and Bobby's honeymoon until that weekend. Brad picked up and Johnny explained what was happening, in less than five minutes he and Bobby were there.

"Hey sweetheart, how are you feeling" Bobby walked into the room and pasted Johnny to see how Y/N was doing.

"Brad, I'm sorry. I'd stay but I can't they need me in London-"

"No worries, Johnny, you go to your job. We got
Y/N." he put his hand on Johnny's shoulder "Anything happens I'll call you"

Johnny nodded then walked over to Y/N "I gotta go baby..." he began whispering softly to her "I'll be back soon, I promise you." he gently kissed her forehead "I love you" He pulled back as Y/N whined from the pain in her stomach. Johnny knew if he stayed another second he wouldn't go on the mission. He soon ran out to the driveway yelling 'Flame On' and headed back to the Baxter Building...

"Come on sweetie, Let's get you showered and get you some soup" Bobby helped Y/N to the bathroom as Brad headed to the kitchen


-- London --

The Fantastic Four were in a helicopter with the general and some of his soldiers, Ben, Sue, and Reed sat in the back as Johnny sat in the front. They went over everything with the general. Johnny was silent worried about Y/N and also frustrated with his sister and Reed for not coming clean on their idea of moving out, leaving the team.

"When he surfaces, we gotta move the fight away from the crowd!" Reed yelled to everyone

"He's too fast to be contained, when I see silver, I'm hitting' him."

"Wait. You can't do that, we gotta stick to the plan and work as a team!"

"Oh, so we're a team now? That's news to me."

"What are you talking about?"

"You know what."

Sue looked to Reed embarrassed that her brother knew about their plan as Reed got a little annoyed.

"We were gonna tell you guys-

"When were you gonna tell us?! When you moved our stuff outta the Baxter Building?!"

"Johnny this really isn't a good time!" Sue yelled

"Kids got a point Reed, you should've told us." Ben said looking at the both of them

"All right, all right, all right! That's enough! We'll talk about this later."

"What the hell is wrong with you people?"

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