Chapter 10: New Home

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Today was the day, Y/N was officially moving out of the Baxter Building and into her new home. After her break up and fight with Johnny yesterday Y/N wanted to move out as quickly as possible. Although they wanted to help her move, Sue and Reed took the job of distracting Johnny with more tests after his encounter with the Silver Surfer. Y/N was still heartbroken of their breakup, but she wasn't going to let it ruin one of her dreams coming true.

"Ok, clothes here, books are here, Ben you can manage those." Bobby said as he marked the boxes of books for Ben to take down to the truck as Brad took Y/N's boxes of her clothes.

The boys nodded and took the boxes. Y/N was in the kitchen wrapping up her mugs in bubble wrap handing them to Alicia who put them into a box for her neatly. Alicia noticed Y/N was silent but decided to let her have some time before she talked with her.


An hour later all of Y/N's things were packed and in the moving truck downstairs. Ben and Alicia made their way to his car to head to the house, Bobby headed out using Y/N's car as Brad stayed behind to wait for Y/N since he was going to drive the moving truck. Y/N took a deep breath as she sat down on her and Johnny's bed, well now Johnny's bed. She held the scrapbook she had made in her hands as she shed a few tears.

"Our Adventure Book..." She read the title as she slowly opened it looking at their photos from middle and high school, to when they started dating, when Y/N left with the Fantastic Four to their overseas missions and when they got engaged... She shut the book and cried as Brad came in.

"Y/N, it's time to head out... Reed and Sue said Johnny is getting impatient with the tests and wants to leave."

Y/N nodded closing the book and leaving it on the bed as she got up. She walked to the door but looked back at it one last time, their adventure together was over, so she had no need for her scrapbook anymore...

She shut the door and walked out with Brad heading to the lobby to get into the moving truck and head to her new home, her new adventure.

Unknowingly to both of them Johnny was watching from the balcony...heartbroken.


"Brad, the chair has to match my vision." Bobby went to move the chair an inch to the left "Perfect"

"I apologize babe. I'm sorry I didn't know you needed the chair to be an inch turned" Brad said sarcastically as everyone laughed

Brad and Ben began moving in the furniture as Bobby set it all up perfectly. Sue and Reed were able to sneak out of the Baxter Building after their "tests" with Johnny, Sue immediately got to work on the kitchen putting away Y/N's mugs, new plates, silverware along with pots and pans she had just bought.

Reed was in charge of setting up Y/N's Wi-Fi and T.V. etc... As for Alicia and Y/N, they were upstairs in her new closet unpacking and putting away her clothes.

"You still love him, don't you?"

Y/N paused taking a deep breath then went back to folding her pants.

"I always will..."

"Then why don't you try to work it out?"

"Because he said he didn't see a future like this with me." Y/N got teary eyed remembering what Johnny yelled at her "He didn't want a home, kids or anything of a normal life. He wants to forever live in the Baxter Building with no changes expect being married to me and I can't do that Alicia"

Alicia reached and held Y/N's hand as she cried.

"I have dreams, I want a husband, kids, a home with a family I can come home to every night and make memories." Y/N wiped her eyes

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