Chapter 15: Positive

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Johnny woke up to a call from Reed saying they were heading to Germany that morning. He had just finished telling Y/N all the full details over what was happening... She was scared at first but stayed positive knowing they would stop it from happening.

"I don't want to leave you" Johnny expressed sadly as he looked to Y/N as she was walking up to him to say goodbye

"I'll be fine." she held his hands "You guys are going to find a way to fix this. I believe in you, just keep a cool head and don't mess around." she laughed a little as Johnny leaned his forehead on hers

"You know I love you right"

She gasped dramatically placing one of her hands over her chest "You love me?! I had no idea" she expressed while laughing

"You dork." He smiled at her "I'll call you when I land and to give you an update"

"Ok, be safe and come home to me"


They kissed and hugged each other tight. Y/N was the first to pull away as Johnny walked to the driveway and flamed up flying back to the Baxter Building as Y/N watched. She took a deep breath shutting the front door then suddenly got sick to her stomach. Y/N ran fast to the bathroom to throw up.

"I didn't even eat sushi, what-"

Suddenly her laptop began ringing from an incoming Skype call from Brad and Bobby. Y/N wiped her mouth and went upstairs to the room where her laptop was


"Hi sweetie! We made it to Italy!" Bobby yelled showing the view from their hotel room

"Aw that's-" she gagged a bit but relaxed "beautiful Bobby! where's Brad?"

"Oh, he went to the lobby to see if his suitcase arrived yet, got lost on the way here." Bobby looked at her carefully "You alright sweetie?"

"I'm-" Y/N quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up again then came back "little sick that's all" she smiled

"Hey, personal question I know but have you had your period yet?"

Y/N froze thinking about it, she realized she actually missed her period "I'm late but it can skip when sometimes you're under stress which I was and I'm irregular-"

"Have you and Johnny been using protection?" Bobby interrupted

"Yes, of cour—" Y/N froze thinking about her and Johnny's latest times together, at Sue and Reed's wedding, recently in their bedroom, the shower and then yesterday in the living room... Her eyes widened "Oh my god Bobby!" she covered her face with her hands

"I think it's time to take a test sweetheart. GOOD THING I am responsible and bought you some, under your sink"

Y/N ran to her bathroom and grabbed all five boxes, opening, and peeing on all of them


Ten minutes had gone by Y/N was pacing around her room still on the call with Bobby and now Brad. She walked nervously and excited, she always had a dream of being a mother soon adding Johnny to that dream of hers... Bobby screamed making Y/N and Brad jump as his timer went off.

"Okay honey, time to check"

Y/N nodded and went into the bathroom grabbing the little basket she put the tests in and brought it out so she could look at them. She sat down taking a deep breath closing her eyes and pulled one up.

"Two lines..." she whispered and started crying happily "TWO LINES!!" she screamed and showed Brad and Bobby over the camera "I'M PREGNANT!"

Brad clapped cheering loud as Bobby ran around screaming his head off all excited. Y/N looked at all the tests as they all showed positive. She took a photo and just sat crying happily putting her hand on her stomach.

"I'm so happy for you Y/N..." Brad said as he got teary eyed "I wish we could've been there for this moment-"

"You were. You were right here with me. Now you two have a great honeymoon!" She smiled "And don't forget my magnet!" they laughed saying goodbye, Y/N closed her laptop and got dressed for the day.

She went downstairs and tried to call Johnny, but he didn't answer. He was on the plane to Germany to stop the surfer. Y/N sighed happily as she put her phone down "I'm pregnant" she put both hands on her stomach looking down smiling when a hard knock came at the door.

Y/N opened it to see none other than the female soldier who was a bitch to her at the club and wouldn't let her in the meeting Johnny was called into. She stood there staring at Y/N with two other soldiers there and a SUV

"Johnny already left this morning for the mission in Germany, he's not here."

"We're not here for him sweetheart." the woman smirked as she turned around giving the signal for the two other soldiers to grab Y/N's arms and shove her into the SUV

"LET ME GO! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT!" She tried to get out of the car but couldn't

"We have our orders from Von Doom himself" They pulled out of the driveway and headed to the airport

"You do know he's a villain, right? He'll only end up betraying you."

"He will follow orders."


They arrived at the airport an hour later. The two soldiers grabbed Y/N and put her on the plane making her seat down.

"Where are you taking me..."

The woman smirked "Germany." she took a seat as they got ready for takeoff "We figured your boy toy would behave nicely with you there..."


The plane took off and headed to Germany. All Y/N could think about was Johnny and why did Victor want here there so badly. She stayed awake the whole way to Germany scared someone would try something sketchy, they said they were under 'Von Doom's Orders'

The plane landed and Y/N was soon grabbed again and shoved into a car handcuffed this time with a sack over her head. The two-hour ride was quiet and suddenly came to a halt. Y/N was scared but tried to keep her calm, but suddenly she heard her brother and Johnny's voices

"What do you mean you have something of ours?" Ben asked curious

"Well since you all couldn't do this the first time, Victor thought it would be a good idea for a little wager" General Hager gave his men the signal

Two men opened the SUV pulling out Y/N aggressively throwing her onto the ground landing on her knees and ripped the sack off her head

"Y/N!" Johnny ran up to her helping her up "Are you alright baby?" he put his hands upholding her face looking at her worriedly as she was trying to catch her breath

"WHAT IS MY SISTER DOING HERE VICTOR?!" Ben yelled furiously

"Figured you needed a little inspiration" Victor smirked

The soldiers uncuffed Y/N. She wrapped her arms tightly around Johnny letting him know she was all right. They pulled away as Reed went over the plan, Johnny listened but held Y/N close to him. She took a deep breath knowing this was going to be intense.

-- Little Note --
Also why is Y/N there with them?
Victor has some plan up his sleeve...

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