Chapter 16: Everyone is here

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-- Johnny's POV --

"Alright, I'm here." Johnny groaned as he boarded the plane seeing the team sitting down across from Ben. He kept his distance from Reed and Sue. Victor was also on their flight and sat in the back of the plane ignoring and staring at them silently smirking.

"How's my sister doing?" Ben asks curiously, he had been busy keeping a close eye on Victor making sure he didn't try anything on Reed or Sue.

"Better, so much better." Johnny smiled "She just had horrible food poisoning; sushi does a number on her."

"Tell me about it." Ben laughed "Took her to Coney Island once with my girlfriend back when I was in middle school and Y/N was still in sixth grade. She ate sushi for lunch at the school, next thing I knew my girlfriend spent the whole day in the stall with her as I ran around using our train money to get her new clothes and a bucket"

Both of the boys laughed hard at the memory. The whole flight they shared memories of their favorite moments with Y/N, although after doing so it made Johnny miss her and wish she were with him and vice versa... Ben soon fell asleep along with Reed and Sue, but Johnny stayed up looking at his photos of Y/N on his phone.

He smiled big at them, the one from her birthday in front of the horrible, decorated cake he made for her, one from Disney World of the both of them on Expedition Everest, screaming her head off wide eyed as Johnny looked at her laughing and the latest one... Y/N sitting down in a chair in their backyard looking out over the lake they lived on.

Johnny clicked the next photo, it was one that Brad took of them, Johnny was laying on the couch asleep with Y/N on top of him, he was holding her tight. Johnny felt a little sad looking at the photo, he couldn't wait for this mission to be over so he could go home and just hold her in his arms...


The plane finally landed seven hours later, the army picked them up and took them to Black Forest Germany. Reed handed his team the devices they needed; it was to set off a Tachyon Pulse to separate him from his board kind of fish caught in net sorta deal.

Victor was looking a little suspicious as he nodded to some soldiers, Ben and Johnny noticed this immediately and signaled Sue and Reed about it. They saw a black SUV drive up as Victor looked to them flashing that evil smile of his...

"What's got you smiling?" Ben snarled at Victor as the General walked up next to him proudly

"We have a little something of yours as a surprise for you."

"What do you mean you have something of ours?" Ben asked curious

"Well since you all couldn't do this the first time, Victor thought it would be a good idea for a little wager" General Hager gave his men the signal

Two men opened the SUV pulling out Y/N aggressively throwing her onto the ground landing on her knees and ripped the sack off her head

"Y/N!" Johnny ran up to her helping her up "Are you alright baby?" he put his hands upholding her face looking at her worriedly as she was trying to catch her breath


"Figured you needed a little inspiration" Victor smirked

The soldiers uncuffed Y/N. She wrapped her arms tightly around Johnny letting him know she was all right. The team gathered and talked about their plan of action; Johnny listened but held Y/N close to him. when one of the soldiers approached the general.
Y/N took a deep breath knowing this was going to be intense.

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