1: Misssion Assignment

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Kim Chaewon was not your average girl.

While other girls her age were merely studying to be teachers or artists, she was studying to be a spy. No, scratch that. She already was one.

She was the second youngest in her group, but then knew darn well she was just as qualified as them, maybe more.

Right now, she was decoding a message

*Authors note - try to decode this. If you figure it out, type the translation in the comments*

Swle Xglwqib

Nuaauib gla vwwb fiubf qwkk. U quag U xiyks rwkk tiy niew, vyr tiy jbiq rgw euaja id ewcwlkubf qglr qw si ub kwrrwe. Gtwqib ua fiis la qwkk lbs qw virg nuaa tiy lbs rgw irgwea (Wzxwor nltvw Twbl). Jwwo wcwetrgubf fiubf die nw

Wybvu Ybbuw.

Chaewon smiled. Eunbi and Hyewon had been sent out on a mission pretty far away. It was nice to hear from them.

Suddenly, a voice rang from the hall "Come quick! It's about the MS!"

This caught Chaewon's attention. Had they actually received intel?

She went to the main hall, where 3 other girls were waiting for her

"Did they..." She asked, out of breath. 

"Yup!" Yena said. She sounded genuinely excited, as if they were simply talking about a new ice cream shop and not an evil organization. 

"Calm, calm" Sakura said. She turned to their boss "What do we have?"

The MS was a group the Internation Girl Spy Agents had been trying to track down more intel about forever. The idea of their group was using science and math to cause destruction (MS stood for mad scientist. Quite cliche). And they had been one of IGSA's biggest enemies. 

"The MS is always tracking down new scientists to blackmail for their research" Their boss explained "And they seem to have hit a very important target. These people are not very well known, but their research has done a lot for the earth and could do a lot for The Mad Scientists if we let them into their hands. And luckily for us, we know their leverage"

"What is it?" Yujin, the youngest in their group, asked.

"Mr. and Mrs. Kim" He paused when Chaewon winced "No need to worry, miss Chaewon. We've done extensive research. This family doesn't relate to yours for centuries back" Chaewon sighed, relieved. "Anyway, they have a young daughter. Minju. And we have reason to believe that they might threaten to hurt her if they don't help them. Therefore, it's your job to befriend her and step in shall any action happen. You all will go, but miss Chaewon will be the lead for this mission"

Chaewon didn't have any physical reactions, but inside, she was jumping for joy. Lead on a mission! Hooray!!!!

Even though she was excited, deeper down, she knew, this would be very dangerous

All she could do was hope this went smoothly.

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