18: Nako's confession

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Chat group - Minju and Nako

IAmNotShort! 💗
Minju, can I tell you

MinjuAngel 👼🏻
Tell me anything.

IAmNotShort! 💗
But you have to
promise not to tell
anyone else this, okay?
And by that, I mean not
a single other soul. This
is important, I just need
to tell someone

MinjuAngel 👼🏻
I promise. 

IAmNotShort!  💗
I think I have a crush 
on Hitomi

MinjuAngel 👼🏻
You think???????

IAmNotShort! 💗
I've just never had a
crush before, so I don't
 how know it works but
but I can't stop thinking
about her and I think
she's really pretty and I 
ugh I just don't know

MinjuAngel 👼🏻
Ooh, yeah, you 
definitely have a crush.

I ship it.

IAmNotShort! 💗
But what if she doesn't
feel the same? What am
I going to do?

MinjuAngel 👼🏻
You don't need to jump
 to conclusions so quickly.

IAmNotShort! 💗
Ugh, this crush
businesses so

MinjuAngel 👼🏻
Yup. Sadly, that's
the point.

IAmNotShort! 💗
Well, that's encouraging

MinjuAngel 👼🏻
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
hold up. Did I just hear
Yabuki Nako using

IAmNotShort! 💗
Minju, I don't have
time for that, I need
to figure out what I'm
going to do next!

MinjuAngel 👼🏻
But why did you ask me?
I'm not exactly a crush expert

IAmNotShort! 💗
You're the only one
that I trust not to tell
anyone or make fun
of me

MinjuAngel 👼🏻
Thanks :)

IAmNotShort! 💗
So, what should I do?

MinjuAngel 👼🏻
I don't know...

Maybe just don't be too
forthright until you're
more comfortable

You know her best.
Think of how she would
react, and choose the
best option

IAmNotShort! 💗
Thanks, that actually

MinjuAngel 👼🏻
I just came up with it
off the top of my head
so I'm glad it did

Minju turned off her phone. Nako and Hitomi? On one hand, she was surprised. But on the other hand, as soon as she read the message, everything snapped into place and made sense. Like the two girls were perfect for each other. 

Minju, shipping is for fictional characters, not your friends. Her head warned.

But Minju didn't care. She decided she could help her friend. Maybe make a few extremely subtle hints to Hitomi or something.

All she knew is she would help. 


It was so hard to not blurt out Nako's secret every day at school, but Minju kept quiet, for Nako's sake. Nako told her not to tell a soul, and Minju didn't think Nako could do anything scary, but she didn't want to risk it. 

And besides, who knew how much Hitomi would rub off on her. 

Nako's transition was subtle. If you didn't know what she was trying to do, you probably wouldn't have noticed. She normally sat next to Hitomi during lunch, but now she made sure to every single day. She made sure that they hung out each others houses more often, and every once in a while, she would get her gifts, like a chocolate of a flower she had picked. 

MinjuAngel 👼🏻
You're doing really

IAmNotShort 💗
Thanks 😊

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