25: Mint chocolate conversations

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Why are you acting like this? Chaewon asked herself. 

First the pretty thing, then the chocolates.

It was bad enough that she was actually befriending Minju. Sure, she occasionally took the spy mission out of her head. Made interactions much easier.

But this wasn't another one of her fake friends. Minju and the other girls had a hold on her. They were somehow hindering her abilities as a spy. 

And the worst part was that she didn't want to leave. No... she had to leave as soon as she was done, but she didn't want to.  The thought of leaving Minju made her nervous - no, scared. 

Whatever Minju was doing to her, she needed to figure it, out fast.


"Hey!" Chaewon heard a voice

She spun around to see Minju holding an ice cream cone in her hand.

"I saw the ice cream truck, and I know you like mint chocolate... so..." Minju handed her the cone. "I personally think it tastes like toothpaste... but you like what you like!"

"Gee, thanks" Chaewon rolled her eyes sarcastically, then laughed. Minju waved and laughed. 

Chaewon went back to the area where she had arranged to meet with Sakura, Yena, and Yujin. Their garden wasn't exactly "Secret", but it was private enough that no one except them would meet there. 

"Whoa, when did you stop to get ice cream? Why didn't you get any for me?" Yena asked.

"You guys won't believe this" Chaewon said "Minju gave it to me"

"Aww, that's sweet" Yujin said "I wish Wonyoung would give me ice cream"

"So you're admitting your friends with her?" Sakura raised her eyebrows in a very teasing, un-sakura way. 

"I-no-I-what-yes" Yujin admitted "I'm friends with her. She's really cool. I-I like hanging out with her. She actually laughs at my jokes!"

"If you want us to laugh, you should have funny jokes" Chaewon said. 

Yujin scowled, then turned her attention back to Sakura "You're making fun of me for having a friend? Don't pretend I didn't notice you blush when Chaeyeon gave you a compliment yesterday"

"They're friends too" Yena said

"You are?" Chaewon turned to Sakura confused.

"You're friends with Minju." Sakura mumbled, embarassed "Chaeyeon asked me the same question. I said yes. And, honestly, it felt nice, having a new friend"

"I get it" Chaewon said. She and Yujin scooted closer to Sakura, then looked at Yena.

"And has Yuri asked you out already?" Yujin raised her eyebrow seriously. 

"Of course not, stupid" Yena said, though she turned bright red. 

"Yes, we're friends" She admitted.

Sakura let out a sigh "So. That's that"

"I mean, we're still KIDS" Yena said "We need friends, just like anyone else"

"yeah" Sakura said slowly "I guess we do"

Chaewon considered telling them about the box of chocolates, but the awkwardness of the idea scared her off

It was silent for a few seconds.

"It's weird that we haven't gotten any updates on the mission" Yujin said. "Like, did they really send us out here with that little evidence?"

"Actually, they messaged me yesterday" Sakura said.

"What?" Yena asked, "How come you didn't tell us?"

"I was going to" Sakura said "They said that they're very close, that they think the MS may strike very soon, that we have to be ready"

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