19: Ducks and Frogs

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Chaewon knew for sure that she was Minju's real friend now. And she should be upset by that. It should be bad. But for some reason, it wasn't. For some reason, thinking about Minju gave her butterflies in her stomach, but in a good way. But she needed to stop. It was getting in the way of her abilities as a spy. 

It was a sunny day, and everyone was sitting in the park, very bored. 

"What should we doooooooo" Yena moaned

"I don't know, ducky" Yuri responded

"Stop calling me a duck!" Yena whined "I don't look like a duck!" (of course, this was the mood in which she looked exactly like a duck)

"You kinda do" Yujin said. There were murmurs of agreement. 

"Am I really the only person in my group that somewhat resembles an animal?" Yena argued

"Probably" Yuri said, but everyone had gone silent.

"Minju kinda looks like a frog" Wonyoung said all of the sudden. 

"WHAT?" Minju exclaimed. 

"I see that!" Yujin said. Chaewon could see that they were about to all start teasing her - something they did quite often.

"I. do. not. look. like. a. frog" Minju growled

"See, you get it now, do you?" Yena yelled, but no one paid attention to her. 

"If you didn't want to get branded as a frog, you probably shouldn't have worn green" Yuri pointed out casually. 

Minju looked down at her outfit, then groaned. 

Chaewon tilted her head, trying to spot the resemblance.

"Nah, I don't see it" She said slowly "A frog is too ugly"

Instantly, Minju's expression changed "Are you saying you think I'm pretty?" She batted her eyelashes. 

At once, everyone except Chaewon burst out laughing. 

"Hey I-I never said that!" Chaewon defended, flustered. Everyone just kept on laughing.

"I have to go" She said all of the sudden. She got up off the bench and left.

"Hey, a frog and a duck are both pond animals" Hitomi pointed out. 

Chaewon sighed and turned around to look back at the group. Minju caught her eye and winked. Chaewon gave her a look and ran back to her house.


Do I really think Minju is pretty?

It was nighttime, and but Chaewon's mind wandered back to that same question.

Being in denial, it took her a long time to figure out her answer.


Minju was absolutely gorgeous, with the way her hair was long and always straight and elegant. With the way she smiled. With the way she didn't even need makeup or products.

But... that didn't say anything about what Chaewon thought about her. 

Yes. There were plenty of really pretty people in the world. And you're allowed to look at them and say 'hey, they're pretty' and move on. People always acted like thinking someone was pretty was a telltale sign of having a crush. But really, it wasn't

Was it?

As Chaewon drifted off, she wondered how in denial she really was. 

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