33: Girlfriend

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1 week later

The four spies stood nervously outside headquarters. 

"Are you sure we have to tell them?" Yena asked, "Wouldn't it be so cool to have a secret from the boss?"

"We keep enough secrets as is, and I don't want to be fired" Sakura shot back.

"But what if she tells us we can't?" Chaewon asked. She didn't think she could bear to see Minju so upset. 

"I guess we'll just ignore her advice then" Yujin shrugged. Just yesterday she had asked Wonyoung out. The two had been relentlessly teased up until that point. 

Chaewon still bit her lip nervously as they walked into the room. 

"You guys requested to meet?"

"Yes" Chaewon said. 

"And why?"

"Because we need to tell you something" Yujin said.

"And that would be?"

For a second, all four girls stopped short, too nervous to say anything.

"During the mission, we found some people that we took a liking to" Sakura said nervously

"We all have girlfriends now" Yena blurted out. 

Her eyes widened "All at once, huh?"

Chaewon stared at her "You don't seem surprised"

"We spies pride ourselves on being emotionless, but we're still human, and falling in love something almost every human does"

"So this kind of thing happens... often?"

"All the time"

"So it's allowed?" Yena asked.

"It's allowed as long as it doesn't get in the way of your spy work. As soon as it does, it's game over. But until then... Yes"

The girls erupted into cheers.

"And speaking of girlfriends, I think you have some friends - that are girls - that you might like to talk to"

Chaewon looked at the door, confused, but she smiled when she saw the figures that walked out. 

"Eunbi unnie! Hyewon unnie!"

The girls went around saying, "I missed you!" and when everything settled down, Yujin asked "How did the mission go?"

"Perfectly. Yours?"

"Interesting" Chaewon said "But we accomplished it, so I guess you could say perfectly as well"

"I heard you have girlfriends?" Hyewon asked.

Yena drooped "Were you listening to our conversation the entire time?"

"Yup!" Hyewon said proudly. 

"Who are they?" Eunbi asked. She was the oldest out of the 6, and even though she was also the shortest, her presence seemed to command the room.

"Kim Minju" Chaewon said proudly.

"Wait" Hyewon asked "You both have the same last name?"

"We're not related, silly"

Hyewon nodded "2kim is a good ship name anyway"

Chaewon turned red.

Eunbi just sighed and looked at the others. 

"Jang Wonyoung"

"Jo Yuri"

"Lee Chaeyeon"

Eunbi looked up at Sakura "The girl in the previous troop?"

Now it was Sakura's turn to sigh "That information would have been helpful before the mission"

"She surprised you?"

"In a good way. She totally saved all of us" Sakura grinned. 

"Seems like a pretty good girlfriend" Hyewon grinned, latching onto Eunbi's hands.

"I think we have to go..." Yena said "I promised Yuri I'd meet up with her after this meeting if my boss didn't kill me. And she hasn't."

They nodded, and started to go.

Chaewon stared back and Eunbi and Hyewon's intertwined hands, then suddenly, something snapped.

"You didn't tell us we weren't the only ones who started dating" She smirked at her friends.

"Kim Chaewon, you are as good as spying on your friends as you are crime agencies. Possibly better" Hyewon said, looking annoyed.

"I'll take that as a compliment"

"We were hoping it would be a surprise" Eunbi explained. "Can you not tell the others?"

"I won't" Little did they know Chaewon was planning on telling Minju as soon as she could. Which was technically obeying them.

"Thank you"

"No problem"

And Chaewon left, giving one more smile at her friends that now loved each other.



Chaewon and Minju ran to see each other as if they hadn't seen each other in years. 

"Did it go well?"

"Better then well, it's allowed!" Minju cheered at Chaewon's news.

"You just can't get in the way of my missions, otherwise she'll have to separate us"

"I'd like to see her try"

She laughed "Speaking of couples, did I ever tell you about Eunbi and Hyewon?"

"The other members of your spy troop?"

"Yup! They're together now! Isn't that adorable?"

"You'll have to introduce us sometimes"

"Well she already knows Chaeyeon, or at least knows about her, but I will definitely arrange that!"

"That's good. Yuri, Wonyoung, and Hitomi have been following Yena and Yujin around, begging them to teach them martial arts, but so far they haven't been budging. Maybe they can teach them"

"I dunno, they might convince Hyewon, but Eunbi's pretty strict..."

Minju laughed "Hey, do you want some ice cream?" she nodded to the ice cream store across the street.

"Yup! Mint Chocolate Please!"

"I still don't understand how you like that toothpaste"

"Hey!" Chaewon pouted.

Minju laughed, already halfway to the ice cream store. 

Kim Chaewon was a spy. 

Most people would give a lot to do what she did, to bust criminals and save people. And Chaewon did enjoy her job. 

But now, enjoying time with her girlfriend like a normal girl?

There was no place she'd rather be

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