4: Weekly Hangout

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With 10 people at Minju's table, it became a lot noisier.

But Minju liked it. Yena, Yujin, Sakura, and Chaewon were a lot of fun to hang out with. 

And when Friday came around, as always, they started discussing their weekly get-together.

Every Saturday, all 6 of them would meet at one house for a sleepover. It blended into the background as to where this tradition began - maybe they just decided that hanging out every day at school wasn't enough. But it was always a lot of fun, and a considerable amount of chaos. They alternated weeks, but with the large amount, everyone always forgot whose turn it was. 

"So, Minju went last week, and I went before that..." Yuri questioned "Who went before me? Was it.... Nako?"

"No, I went the week before that!" Hitomi said. 

"Oh, sorry, I get you two mixed up" Yuri grinned. Hitomi glared at her "Geez, I was kidding"

"So..." Minju reasoned "That means it's either Nako, Chaeyeon, or Wonyoung's turn. Who went before Hitomi?"

"Why don't we just make a set order?" Chaeyeon questioned "We could avoid this whole mess"

"We tried to - then we forgot it. And we're basically in a set order - it's just unset. Adds some spice to life" Yuri reasoned with a laugh. 

Chaeyeon sighed "I guess. And by the way, I went before Nako"

"So, me or Wonyoung" Nako said.

"You went after me. Which means it's my turn!" Wonyoung smiled brightly. 

"Thank you" Chaeyeon said "Okay, it's Wonyoung's turn. Who do you select?"

Chaewon, Yena, Yujin, and Sakura, who had been eating their lunch until then, looked up "What are you guys talking about?" Chaewon asked.

"Oh" Minju said. They probably shouldn't have been talking about their weekly get-together in front of the other girls - she didn't want them to get jealous "We just hang out every Saturday"

For some reason, at the words 'hang out' the girls suddenly became more focused. "Oh, cool!" Yena said, "Sounds like fun!" 

"We probably should have done something like that" Yujin said. 

"Maybe you could make your own type of hangout like that?" Yuri suggested.

"I dunno, I think most of our parents aren't good with people being at their house" Sakura shrugged "But thanks for offering" 

"Um..." Nako looked shy. She whispered something to Wonyoung, who nodded. Wonyoung then whispered something else to Chaeyeon. Chaeyeon considered for a minute before saying out loud, "Fine"

"What?" Yujin asked, perking up. 

"My parents won't be home. I think we agree that it might be a good idea... if you want to come with us?" Wonyoung asked nervously

"To your daily hangout?" Yena said, "That would be SO awesome!"

"And you guys are all okay with this? I don't want to interrupt your together time or anything like that..." Chaewon said nervously.

"All good" Chaeyeon smiled at them. 

"That's great!" Sakura smiled. She turned to Chaeyeon "What were you talking about, with the selecting?"

"Oh" Yuri interrupted. "Every time we do this, we make a deal that whoever's house we're at, that person chooses one person that goes straight to their house with them. The other people go to their house to prepare first. So, Wonyoung, who do you choose? Keep in mind you have a wider selection now"

Yena grinned at Yuri "Thanks"

"Let's do something different..." Wonyoung said. She scanned the 4 girls "Yujin"

"Me? Really?" Yujin smiled "Thanks!"

"Okay. Saturday. Sleepover. It's a date" Yena smiled. 

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