32: Explanations

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"Wait, WHAT??????"

That was Nako

"So, you were lying to us this entire time?"

That was Hitomi

"She saved Minju, Hiichan. It can't be for nothing" Wonyoung.

Hitomi looked skeptical, but finally she nodded in acceptance.

Wonyoung turned to the spies "So you guys are like, real spies? With the gadgets and everything? That's so cool!"

"Secret agent" Chaewon insisted

Yujin just nodded and laughed.

Everybody turned to Yuri, who hadn't spoken yet. 

"So I guess my girlfriend is a spy, isn't she?" 

The second she said that, she turned red "They didn't know that yet, did they?"

"No" Yena said "They didn't"

Flashback: Yena's POV

"So, will you be my girlfriend?"

Every part of Yena was screaming, SAY YES!!! But... what would happen if the boss found out she had a girlfriend?

"Jo Yuri" Yena said carefully "I love you a lot... but I'm not sure I'm ready for a girlfriend yet. Can you... can you give me some time to think about it?" 

Yuri didn't look remotely as disappointed as Yena thought she would. "Okay"

- The next day - 

Yena had made up her mind.

She was a spy, keeping secrets was the point of her job. So why not one more?

And why should being a spy keep her from doing that?

Yena waited until they were alone, looked Yuri in the eye, and told her "Yes"

And seeing Yuri's eyes light up when that one word was said erased any doubts from Yena's mind


"That's so cute!" Nako cooed. 

Yena rolled her eyes but rested her head on Yuri's shoulder.

"And you're sure the boss would be okay with this?" Sakura asked.

"Who cares?" Yena shrugged "We're not just their puppets. We're our own people. With emotions. Why not embrace that?"

"That's much wiser than I've ever heard you be before" Sakura said sarcastically. But a second later, she looked much more serious. "Um..."

The group was quiet for a second.

Sakura turned to Chaeyeon.

"Chaeyeon, I've been developing feelings for you for... quite a while now...And I tried to ignore it, for my job and everything... but I can't ignore it anymore, and if Yena and Yuri can go out... why can't we?"

And to Sakura's surprise, Chaeyeon kissed her on the cheek.

It wasn't much, but Minju imagined it must have meant a lot to Sakura.

"I'm taking it that's a yes?"


Nako interrupted "Wait. It's Me and Hitomi, Yena and Yuri, and Sakura and Chaeyeon. That leave Minju, Chaewon, Yujin, and Wonyoung." She raised an eyebrow. "Anyone else?"

"I think she's spending too much time with Hitomi" Chaewon whispered to Minju.

Minju laughed, but deep down...

Right now??? In front of everybody??

It seemed so crazy that it just might work.

"Um, actually, Chaewon..." 

The whole group was silent.

"That isn't too far from the truth"

Minju took a deep breath, willing herself to continue. 

"I've had a crush on you for a while and now might be a bad time, after everything that's happened, but... would you be my girlfriend?"

Chaewon was silent for a moment. 

Minjys fears started coming over her all at once. What if Chaewon said no?


And at once, all of Minju's  fear crashed down like a wall, leaving only joy. 

She said Yes. She actually said yes!

Her friends were cheering, which must have meant that her crush was totally obvious. That didn't matter anymore though, because CHAEWON SAID YES!!!!!

"So that means...Wonyoung and Yujin?"

Wonyoung shook her head "I have no idea what you're talking about"

"Me neither" Yujin added.

But they were both bright red.

"They'll come around" Chaewon whispered to Minju.

"Well" Chaeyeon said carefully "How about we go and have dinner. It's been a very stressful day for most of us, and we also have some celebration since five-" she glanced and Wonyoung and Yujin "I mean four, since you two aren't together yet - couples are here!" Wonyoung and Yujin turned bright red again, but Chaeyeon ignored them.

Everyone nodded.

"I know where to go" Yuri announced

"Lead the way!" Yena said.

"Shall we go together, since we're girlfriends and all?" Chaewon asked, smirking slightly.

"I would love that" 

And, holding hands with her girlfriend, feeling as happy as she ever had been, Minju followed her friends.

A/N: I'm sorry if this chapter was kinda awkward... anyway, I'm almost done with this book! I honestly did not expect that! Yay! Have a nice day guys!

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