6: Mafia

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*Authors note - I don't really know how to play mafia, despite watching many videos of people playing it. I'll be basing most of this based on a twice mafia video that I watched, so I'll try to make it as accurate as possible. Sorry if I fail lol. Also, since I wrote the whole mafia game, this chapter is quite long. Hope you enjoy! *

Minju had hoped not to be chosen for anything. And sure enough, her wish was granted.

So, who was it? 

"Make your observations. Who looks suspicious?" Chaeyeon smiled. 

"Hmm" Chaewon said. "I dunno.... Who would Chaeyeon choose"

"Honestly, I wish she would have chosen me. I don't know who she chose" Sakura said. 

"Hmm, are you acting, Sakura?" Nako said, 

"If I were acting, why would I tell you I wanted to be the mafia. That would be dumb" Sakura raised her eyebrow. 

"I mean, maybe you're trying to double it" Yena suggested.

Sakura rolled her eyes "Shouldn't we focus?"

Hitomi sighed "We're not getting anywhere with this, we should probably just go into the first night"

"Eager to kill?" Yujin raised her eyes.

"Eager to eat dinner" 

"Yeah, we should probably do that" Chaeyeon said "Heads down, everyone"

A few minutes later, the nurse and the mafia were called. 

"Who died?" Hitomi asked eagerly. 

"The person that died is........." Chaeyeon said, building up suspense "Yena!"

"Darn it!" Yena said "Why does everybody always kill meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

"They probably kill you because if they don't, you're going to get out" Yuri comforted here. 

"Stillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll" Yena complained. She slowly scooted out of the circle. 

"Who would kill Yena?" Yujin questioned. 

"Yuri had some pretty good reasoning... it could have been her" Sakura said 

"Hey, you were the one that was suspicious last round" Yuri shot back. 

"I said one thing. I was not suspicious" Sakura rolled her eyes. 

"You kinda were" Hitomi said

"Yeah" Nako agreed.

"Why is everyone accusing me!" Sakura exclaimed in frustration "It's not me!"

Chaewon pointed at Sakura "I vote for her!"

It seems like Sakura Minju thought.

Soon, all the votes were toward Sakura. 

"Sakura was... not the mafia" Chaeyeon revealed. 

"What?" Hitomi said. She whipped her head back "Who accused her last round?

"Nako in the first round, Yuri in the second round" Chaewon stated. 

"Hmm... it's probably Yuri" Hitomi said.

"Sakura's reasoning did make sense..." Yujin nodded. 

"It's not me!" Yuri exclaimed "I didn't kill Sakura, you guys did! Blame Chaewon, she voted her first! Or blame Nako, she accused her! Blame whoever you want, just not me!"

"Sorry..." Hitomi said. 

"OKAY, OKAY" Chaeyeon bumped in "It's almost nighttime, not voting time. Hold your horses and lower your heads"

Minju bit her lip. Who was the mafia? Was it really Yuri? Nako? Who was it? She was getting very confused. 

"Okay, good morning everyone!" Chaeyeon said.

"Who died?"

"Sadly, this evening, Yujin has died" Chaeyeon said.

Yujin shrugged.

"She takes the whole thing very well" Wonyoung noted. 

"Better then I would" Yuri mumbled.

"Speaking of Yuri dying..." Minju said. She had become slightly more confident in their accusation "We all want to vote her... right?" 


"No, but I-"

"The votes have been cast, Yuri. You're out" Chaeyeon said. "She wasn't it, by the way"

"Darn it! Who is it!" Minju said.

"Let's recap: Chaewon, Minju, Nako, Hitomi, and Wonyoung are left. And night has come"

Minju bit her lips. Who was it now? If it wasn't Yuri, Was it Nako? Or were one of the others playing her? Ah, so confusing. 

"Wake up, Good morning!" Chaeyeon smiled brightly. Sakura had hopped into the couch next to her. 

"Who died?" Chaewon said.

"I'm sorry, but it was Wonyoung" Chaeyeon said. "This round, you'll vote two people. If the Mafia is in the final two, the citizens lose." Good luck. 

"Okay" Minju said "Who is it?"

"Gee, the mafia isn't going to tell you" Hitomi said, "Figure it out for yourself" That's suspicious"

"No, it's not" Hitomi said. "I hate to say this, but out of everyone, Nako is kinda most suspicious"

Nako gasped "Betrayal!"

"Does anyone have any better leads?" Hitomi asked. 

"Sadly, no" Chaewon sighed "Nobody is suspicious, who is it?" She reluctantly pointed her hand toward Nako

"Why is it me?"

"You accused Sakura in the first round, and it wasn't her" Minju said.

"Why does that matter?"

"Nobody else has been suspicious"

"Ugh, fine. But it wasn't me." Nako said.

Chaeyeon was grinning "She's right. Wow, I chose a really good mafia, didn't I?"

Hitomi, Minju, and Chaewon all stared at each other. 

"Anyone have anything?" Minju asked "I don't. I just know it's not me"

Chaewon bit her lip "I think it's Hitomi. Now, Minju, hear me out. You were pretty quiet the whole round, but you were never suspicious. And neither was I, meanwhile, Hitomi has to take charge on the investigation, and hop on the train of whoever everyone else was suspecting. Now, I know an outright accusation like this makes me suspicious. But just think about it. Doesn't it make much more sense than being you and me?"

Minju considered this. Surprisingly, she trusted Chaewon.

"Okay" She said slowly. And she pointed her finger at Hitomi.

"Noooo, it's Chaewonnnn, I'm telling youuuuu" Hitomi insisted 

"I'm sorry - I think it's you - By the way, we're still friends after this"


"Okay, here goes nothing" Minju said. She turned to Chaeyeon "Who is it?"

Chaeyeon grinned "It was Chaewon"

Chaewon stood up and did a pose like she was a gymnast at the end of a routine.

"What?" Minju asked "But you weren't suspicious!"

Chaewon smiled "I'm a pretty good actress"

"Well, the mafia won. Now let's move on"

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