23: Box of chocolates

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Chaewon had found the perfect shade for her light green. 

#9ce5b0 (This is Chaewon's actual official color in Iz*one, in case you were wondering)

Weirdly specific. But now, if she memorized, and she could see her color

Minju said "Nobody is pure white" and insisted on changing her color to a very light grey. Chaewon suspected the real reason was that she thought the hex code for white was too boring. 

They put the colors next to each other.

"That's a pretty cool color scheme" Minju said.

Chaewon wasn't quite sure about why that made her feel so happy. 

"That was pretty cool, by the way" Minju said "Reversing Hitomi's roast"

Then, she let out a breath "How long have you known?" 

Chaewon had an idea of what Minju was talking about. "When Nako gave Hitomi those chocolates. I'm pretty sure they were valentine's day ones, and she just ripped the tag off and pretended they were all normal"

"Wow, you're really observant."


"Also, you better not do anything to let her know that you know" Minju said. She lowered her voice "She told me"

"Wait, you have actual confirmation?" Chaewon asked "Neat" 

"Like I said" Minju added "Not a word. I promised her I wouldn't tell, and I didn't, but I guess I did-" Minju shook her head, like she did when she was confused. It was honestly kinda adorable "Nako is pretty hard to push off the edge, but once you get there, she gets really mad"

Chaewon stared up at the ceiling, trying to imagine Nako being angry "I don't see it"

"You don't want to"

Chaewon put her finger over her lip in a shh sign. "Your secret is safe with me"

"Okay. Let's see how good of a secret keeper you are" The irony was so funny that Chaewon almost laughed. 

Much better than you know, Minju. Much better than you know.

"You know, they say life is a box of chocolates" Chaewon said.

"Only, it's much harder to eat life"

Chaewon laughed. "Yeah, I wouldn't reccomend that"

"Well that's too bad, I want chocolate now" Minju smiled.

Chaewon just shrugged "Let's hope life gives you one then"


The next day, Chaewon went to a chocolate store. 

"Can I get that pack?" She asked. 

The lady at the store smiled "For a special someone?"

Chaewon turned red "She's just a friend"

The lady winked "I've heard that one before" 

Chaewon quickly paid for the chocolates and ran out. 


Let's see... any tags? Chaewon observed the box, and sure enough, A box of chocolates for your loved one.

Don't people understand that sometimes people that don't have a romantic attraction to each other want chocolate?

Chaewon hesitated before ripping the tag. She's going to know. I told her.

Well, it's better than letting her see this. Without any more hesitation, she ripped off the tag.  


Oh, how do I do this.... Chaewon thought. 

"Um..." She said "Minju?"

Minju turned around. Chaewon got flustered again. How did she look so perfect when doing something as simple as turning around?

"I got you something?" She said. 

She held out the box of chocolates,

"Aww, thanks" Minju said. She opened it "Do you want one?"

"Sure!" Chaewon sat down on the couch, and took a chocolate from the box, trying not to put too much thought into the moment. 

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