29: Unexpected Rescue

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Why is Chaewon here?

Minju made eye contact with her, trying to tell her, somehow, without anyone else hearing, No, leave! These people are bad!

If Chaewon saw the frantic warning in her eyes, she ignored it. 

"Kim Chaewon, I presume?" The voice said

Minju sat up at this, confused.

"I'm flattered that you've heard of me" the sarcasm was obvious in Chaewon's voice.

"What can I say? You're quite famous"

At this point, Minju's eyes were darting from the figure on the other side of the room to Chaewon, trying to make sense of the conversation.

Just so you know, I was just trying to protect you. Chaewon had said that before she left. Did this have anything to do with it?

"Do you want to know why?" Chaewon asked. Without waiting another second, she lunged.

It happened so fast, Minju's brain could barely process it. When it could, her captor had already been knocked out.

Minju's eyes widened as Chaewon ran over to her chair and untied the knot. 

"Come on, we have to go fast, or more of them will come"

"What-how-" Minju asked, but she followed Chaewon. "Where are we going?"

"There's a secret tunnel. It leads from here to an alley that will lead to our base, where we can figure out what to do..." Chaewon stared up at Minju "I owe you an explanation, don't I?"


Chaewon nodded, and they started down the tunnel. It wasn't exactly a tunnel as much as a passageway - Minju was just grateful she didn't have to crawl on anything.

"So, you're a spy?"

"I prefer the term 'Secret Agent', but I guess 'Spy' works"

"So everything you told us was a lie?"

"The backstory was, but we didn't have to go far"


"Yena, Sakura, Yujin, and Me"

"You're all spies?"

"Again, I prefer Secret Agent"

Minju sighed, barely able to process what she was hearing "But why me?"

"They wanted your parents, and so they figured if they had you, your parents would behave"

"And so, they sent you to protect me?"

"Yes. That's why I was searching around your room. I wasn't trying to steal anything, I promise"

"And, all this time, you were just pretending to be my friend?"

Chaewon turned slightly red "I was supposed to..."

Minju tilted her head questioningly.

"You're... different, Minju. I couldn't just pretend like I did with the others"

These words made Minju feel unexplainably happy. "So, you guys are working with this organization?"

"Yup. They have secret agents like me all over the world" 

"Have you met any of them?"

"Nope. It's a complete secret, that way the missions can't be compromised"

"Okay then"

Minju should have been angry at all the lies. 

But Chaewon had saved her.

That meant it couldn't be for nothing. 

Minju looked at Chaewon. Her anger had dissipated, and her crush was starting to take control.

Minju looked around. The two of them were alone. A dusty tunnel wasn't exactly romantic...

But what if?

Minju's thoughts were interrupted by sounds of loud footsteps behind them.

"They're back" Chaewon said "You run, I'll take care of them"

Minju nodded "Okay"

But she couldn't contain her curiosity. In just a few steps, the tunnel had reached a corner, and she peaked her head around, to see the Chaewon falling to the ground, unconscious.

Minju gasped.

I need to save her. Was the only thought running through Minju's brain.

But how? She had no experience at all!

Then something occurred to her

But Yena, Yujin, and Sakura do!

Maybe she could get them.

Minju didn't want to leave, but the footsteps were getting more distant, so she started walking toward the exit of the tunnel, noting every twist and turn in case it was important.

I'll fix this Chaewon, I promise. 

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