10: Selection

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Minju laid down her sleeping bag, and Chaewon laid hers next to her. 

"So, what do you want to do now?"

"Truth or dare?" Yuri suggested.

"No" Chaewon said immediately "nonononono"

"The only people who deny truth or dare are the ones who have something to hide" Chaeyeon quoted.

"Right, because I'm sure you have nothing to hide" Chaewon shot back.

It was silent.

"Fine, we don't have to play truth or dare" Chaeyeon sighed.

"Victory" Chaewon whispered. Minju giggled.

"Well, if we aren't playing truth or dare, what are we doing?" Wonyoung asked. 

"I don't know..." Yujin complained.

They were all cozy in their pajamas, yet nobody felt like sleeping.

"Pillow fight?" Yena suggested.

"Hmm" Sakura said "that would be fun, I could really use slapping someone with a pillow, but we should organize it so it's not just mayhem." She paused "How about this... 

"Let's say you have 3 pillows. If you hit someone, you take one of their pillows and vice versa. If you have no pillows left, you're out. When there are only a few people left, we'll slowly take one pillow from everyone, and they'll continue their fight, until only one person is left"

Chaeyeon marveled at Sakura "How did you think of that so quickly?"

Sakura tapped her temples "Speedy brain"

"Well, did your speedy brain already realize that that would require 30 pillows?" Wonyoung questioned.

Minju looked around. Each of them had one pillow. That made 10.

"Sorry, I can change it-" Sakura started apologetically.

"No need, we have pillows everywhere in this house. I'm fairly certain we have more then 20."

"Okay" Chaeyeon said, "Everyone go upstairs and get 2 pillows, no more, no less. Come back down here and sit down when you're done. Wonyoung, what would be the best places to get pillows? We'll split up into groups"

"Probably my parents room and my room" Wonyoung responded.

"This is a lot of work for a pillow fight" Yuri muttered. 

"If you'd rather sit back and do nothing, be my guest" Chaeyeon snapped back.

"Okay..." Sakura focused "How about me, Chaeyeon, Yuri, Yena, and Wonyoung on one team, and Chaewon, Minju, Yujin, Nako, and Hitomi in the other group. Wonyoung's group will go into her room, and the other group goes to her parents room. Does that sound good? Everyone know where they're going?"

Everyone nodded. 

"Okay,  let's go!" Chaeyeon said.

Minju followed her group into a room with a large, elegant bed with a plethora of pillows to choose from. Minju was going for medium sizes - A size not so small that it would be hard to hit people with, but not so big that it would give her opponents an advantage if it ever fell into their hands.

"Sakura and Chaeyeon seem to work well together" Chaewon whispered while the girls were picking.

"Yeah, it's nice. We could use some organization around here" Minju whispered back..

They went back downstairs.

"Okay... Sakura grinned. "Start!

And every girl stood up, ready for battle

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