30: Rescue reversed

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Minju ran, panting and breathless.

But she wouldn't give up.

The others were hanging out with her friends in the park, but Minju didn't care if they knew everything. They deserved the truth, anyway, and Chaewon's life was at stake.

"They have Chaewon!" Minju yelled.

Her friends looked at her, confused. But she could tell the spies understood. 

Yujin quickly turned to the others, and said "I can't explain right now, but we have to go. Hopefully, we'll be right back"

This left them even more confused, but they ran off nevertheless. 

"What happened?" Yena asked Minju once they were out of earshot. They were all running. 

"Chaewon saved me" Minju explained "We were going down the passageway. And then they started attacking us... she told me to run for it, and she would fend them off... but I saw them take her"

"Oh, that passageway" Sakura said. "Follow me - I know where to go."

On the way, they passed a baseball field. 

"Wait!" Yujin said. 

They all stopped "What?" Minju asked.

Sakura scanned the area, then grinned. "Good thinking, Yujin"

She grabbed four bats and handed them to each of the girls.

"What is this for?" Minju asked, confused.

"We're not allowed to have guns or any weapons like that" Yena explained. "We're to young. So we have to be flexible and use whatever we can as a weapon. If you can use it right, one good swing can knock someone out cold. Even if you can't, you can still cause enough pain to make a distraction"

"Oh, okay" Minju nodded. 

They kept running.

Eventually, they reached their base. 

"Okay, just go through here..." Sakura said.

And just like that, Minju was in the same tunnel she had been before, but with Chaewon.

And she's going to come back with you. Minju thought.

They ran down the tunnel, until they had reached the corner right before they would reach the dusty room. 

Sakura peaked her head around the corner, then turned back to the girls. "Wow, there's a lot of them. Okay. Yena and Yujin, we'll fight them, try to get them away from Chaewon. Minju, you focus on freeing Chaewon"

"Okay" They all said at once. 

"Then let's do this" Sakura said. 

They ran out. 

Yena, Yujin, and Sakura lunged at the MS with considerable skill, never missing a swing of their bat. But there was a lot of them, and each time one went down, more just seemed to come. 

Minju ran straight to Chaewon. Her knot looked similar to the one Minju had been given. Upon closer inspection, it was also the same chair.

You'd think they'd try to throw us off a little by doing something different...

She got working on the knot, but it was complicated, and she hadn't seen Chaewon do it, since it had been behind her.

Minju stared at her baseball bat, which she had lied on the floor.

Carefully, she picked it up, took the small end, and pushed it through the knot.

There we go. The knot was almost completely loose now, and she quickly finished untying it. 

"Minju!" Chaewon gasped.

"Chaewon, thank goodness you're okay, I was so worried-"

"Trying to free your friend, aren't you? A voice sneered.

They turned in fear.

Yena, Yujin, and Sakura had been cornered, and one of the fighters was holding one of the baseball bats menacingly. 

The man lunged at them-

and then fell to the ground.

Someone had... done something.

Minju looked at where Yena, Sakura, and Yujin were still cornered in. Chaewon was still next to her.

So who...

Minju got her first good look. A figure with a mask over their head had kicked them down, and was drawing the attention of the fighters.

The masked figure fought with just as much ease as her spy friends had. They quickly joined in, and with one extra person on their side, soon the room was quiet. 

"Weren't Eunbi and Hyewon due back soon?" Sakura asked Chaewon

"Yeah, but I think this... person is a little taller"

Chaewon squinted "Yeah, I can see that"

Minju tilted her head, confused. 

Chaewon nodded "Eunbi and Hyewon are other spies in our troop, but they're out on a field mission"

Minju nodded.

"Hey you!" Yena said "Take off your stupid mask!"

A/N: I just triggered the Kep1ian in me help-

The figure sighed and did that.

And when they did, all 7 girls gasped simultaneously. 

"I have a lot of explaining to do, don't I?" Chaeyeon said.

A/N: DUN DUN DUNNNNNN! This is probably my worse cliffhanger so far... tell me what you think! Goodbye for now!

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