16: Group chat

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"Hey, I just realized" Minju said "I don't have your guys' number on my phone"

"We should make a group chat" Yujin suggested. 

"Yeah, we should do that!" Wonyoung. 

Little did the 4 girls know that the 6 old friends already had a group chat, of which the new friends had been discussed plenty of times. Positives and negatives were thrown around, which meant there was no chance they were going into that group chat. They would just add a new one. 

They quickly exchanged phone numbers. Minju created a new group.

"What should I name it?" Minju asked.

"Hmm, very important questions" Wonyoung joked. 

She took out her phone and Minju watched as she googled "Group chat names"

"Ugh... no good ones" Wonyoung scrolled. "Hm, this could work... no... wait, what about..."

She grabbed Minju's phone and typed words. She then clicked "Create group" 

Minju sighed, snatched her phone from Wonyoung and rolled her eyes at the title. 

"Girls, time to go!" A voice called.

"We chat once we get home" Yuri whispered. 


PrettyM@knae 💅🏻
You guys are welcome for
this chat name, btw

CutieSavage 🍑
This was really all you
could think of?

PrettyM@knae 💅🏻
Hey, I was on a time

IAmNotShort! 💗
I mean, you didn't 
have to name it right

Yujinisawesome 🐶
No, no, no. You cannot
have a group chat
without a name! It is
against the law!

Cherryblossom2 🌸
Don't be so dramatic,

HappyVirusYena 🦆
Dramatic is our nature. 
Whoa, that was awesome

HappyVirusYena 🦆 has changed the name to 'We're all dramatic here'

FeatherChaeyeon 🦢
Thank goodness. No 
offense, Wonyoung, but
this name is much better
then the one you found

MinjuAngel 👼🏻
I mean... it wasn't that

Chaewonnnnnn 🧚🏻‍♀️
This is what you get for
finding names on the

PrettyM@knae 💅🏻
Hey, stop talking about
the name!

JustYuri 🐹
If you wanted us to do
that, you should have
chosen a better name

CutieSavage 🍑
One more word about 
group names and I will
start spamming really
bad group names.

HappyVirusYena 🦆
Ooh, sounds fun, can I
join in?

FeatherChaeyeon 🦢
Whoa, the combined
power of Yena and Hitomi?
I'm out of here

Cherryblossom2 🌸
I agree. Nice knowing
you guys

Minju smiled and shut off her phone, only for it to buzz again. She opened it.

Chaewonnnnnn has requested a private chat

Accept                                                            Decline

Minju clicked accept. 

Hey Minju, I wanted to do
this with some of the other
girls but I figured I should 
invite you first

Awww, thanks

May endless weird
things be discussed
here in the future. 

Definitely. But I
gtg, my mom is
asking me to help
with dinner



"Minju, please, come here!"

"I had to say goodbye first!" Minju protested.

"You said goodbye, now come!"

She went into the kitchen, smiling the whole time. 

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