26: A new couple

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Minju took a deep breath as she watched Chaewon walk away

I really hope that worked. 

She was walking along the street when Wonyoung pulled her over. 

"What's the hot gossip?" Minju rolled her eyes. Wonyoung wasn't exactly one to gossip, but she did love finding out what was happening. And telling everyone.

Minju braced herself for a boring rant, but instead she heard "Haven't you heard? Nako and Hitomi are together!"

"What?" Minju jumped.

Wonyoung sighed. "Apparently, Nako has had a crush on Hitomi for quite a bit. And so, earlier today, she asked Hitomi out! And she said yes!" 

"Wow! That's amazing!" Minju said, not even faking it this time.

"I know, right?"


Later, she texted Nako

MinjuAngel 👼🏻
So, I heard SOMEONE
has a girlfriend

IAmNotShort! 💗
Um... yeah?

MinjuAngel 👼🏻
How'd you do it?

IAmNotShort! 💗
Do what?

MinjuAngel 👼🏻
Find the courage to

IAmNotShort! 💗
So that means you 
have someone you 
have your eye on

MinjuAngel 👼🏻
I'm not ready to
talk about it yet,

IAmNotShort! 💗

I don't really know
how I did it. I guess
I just thought that
if I never asked her,
I'd never find out
how she really felt.
And that's worse
than being rejected.

MinjuAngel 👼🏻
Wow... that's really
wise. Thanks.

IAmNotShort! 💗
No problem

Minju sighed and turned her phone off.

Should she just go do it right now?


That would be absolutely insane. 

She wasn't ready yet.

But would she ever be?

Why was having a crush so complicated?


"So, when are you two getting married?" Yujin asked Hitomi the next day at lunch.

Minju had to admit, the two looked cute together. Like, they were adorable enough separately, but together was just a whole other level. And when Hitomi leaned her head on Nako's shoulder, Minju couldn't say that Yujin's comment was invalid.

"No sooner then you. Which, to your defense, might be pretty soon" Hitomi replied, glancing at Wonyoung.

"Don't be silly" Yujin said. "I don't have a crush on anyone"

"The way you're blushing now says otherwise"

Minju sensed there was something she didn't know. And as Wonyoung bit her lip nervously, Minju glanced around at the rest of her table.

Chaeyeon and Sakura seemed as friendly as they could be with each other, talking happily, generally ignoring the rest of the conversation. Yena and Yuri seemed kind of awkward.

Huh, that's weird. Just yesterday, the seemed to be getting along really well, joking and bickering.

I missed a lot, haven't I? Minju thought.

Somewhere, some sarcastic part of her brain, thought Yeah, you missed quite a lot while you were busy crushing on Chaewon.

She glanced over to Chaewon, who was already looking right at her. 

They shared a moment of eye contact, before Chaewon turned to Yujin and started talking about something else, something Minju wasn't paying attention to anymore. 

When would Chaewon realize that Minju didn't see her as just a friend?

When would she be able to make her see that?

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