27: Search

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Be ready. You have to be ready

The words echoed in Chaewon's brain.

What were they going to do? Were they going to hurt her?


They couldn't.

There was no way on earth Chaewon was going to let anyone hurt Minju.

Chaewon had never felt like this before - that the rage was more out of protection of Minju than trying to defeat the enemy.

Chaewon gripped her walkie talkie, waiting for the buzz that would tell her they knew what to do to protect her. 

They were going to kidnap her, right? That would be the best blackmail to get her parents to behave...

Why would anyone do that to an innocent girl? Just for getting more mayhem and more chaos, who could be that cruel?

Chaewon was pacing now.

I swear, Minju. Chaewon thought to herself. I'll protect you. I won't let them touch you. I promise.

Chaewon gripped her walkie talkie again, hoping for something, anything.


What if they were hurting her right now? What if she was too late?

Chaewon continued pacing, when suddenly-


Chaewon jumped. What kind of news would they have for her?

Please be good...

"Kim Chaewon?"


"We've received video proof that a MS operative has snuck into Kim Minju's room. We suspect that this is a device that will aid the MS into beginning their plan"

"You mean kidnapping her, right?" 

"Yes, that is definitely a possibility. Your job is to search Minju's room to try to locate this device before they have a chance to activate it"

"Should I ask if I can hang out at her house?" 

"There is no time. Your fellow agents have been tasked with distracting her. You have to break in. Go"

I hate this. Chaewon thought. But she ran toward Minju's house, climbed up the side, and through the window. 

What might we be looking for? She thought. 

She considered - what would the MS do? It couldn't be somewhere you looked often - in plain sight, but not so much in plain sight that it was obvious.

Well, might as well get started. 

She tried looking everywhere she could. In the drawers, under the bed, but couldn't find anything. 

Hmm, maybe it could be in the closet.

She started rifling through her stuff, so focused that she could barely hear the footsteps coming up the stairs and towards her room. 

"Chaewon, what are you doing?"

Chaewon turned around rapidly.

She had been caught. 

A/N: Sorry it's been a bit since I've posted, and this chapter is a bit short, but the next few chapters will be pretty dramatic, so hopefully that makes up for it. Hope you enjoyed, bye!

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