12: Bedtime thoughts

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"Who- wha- how" Yujin stammered.

"You just lost. That's what happened" Wonyoung smirked. 

"Darn it" Yujin said. 

"Hey, you still did better than eight other people. That just happened to not be me" Wonyoung said. She had transformed from the cocky girl she was a second ago, and from the troublemaker that Minju saw every day.

"See, wasn't that fun?" Sakura said.

"Yeah" Yujin said. She stood up. "Come on, Wonyoung, we have bragging rights to annoy everyone else with" Wonyoung laughed at this.

"Spare us" Minju said dramatically.

"No" Yujin's smiled mischievously.

Everybody groaned.

Out of nowhere, Nako yawned.

Minju checked the clock. It was quite late. 

Sakura seemed to sense the vibes in the room "maybe we should get some sleep"

"No! We can stay awake" Yujin protested. But she too was clearly tired. The pillow fight had exhausted them. 

"We're all tired, guys" Chaeyeon insisted "Just because you want to stay up late because it's a sleepover doesn't mean you should throw away your health"

Yena got up, turned off the lights, and everyone retreated into their sleeping bag.

Minju did the same, but she had far too much to think about. Sleep would have to wait.

Most of her swirling thoughts were about Chaewon and her friends. 

She had never thought she needed more friends - 5 had seemed like enough for anyone. But the 4 girls seemed to complete her group. 

Sakura was the oldest, and she and Chaeyeon working together could actually minimize the chaos in their group. And even though she seemed cold on the outside, Minju suspected she had a soft side. She just didn't know what unlocked it. 

And speaking of the chaos in their group, Yena had replaced Yuri as the center of that. She seemed fun, and at lunch, they never got bored because of her. Even if some of her friends thought she was annoying, Minju didn't really mind her that much. Sure, she could be annoying, but oftentimes, she gave Minju a reason to smile.

Yujin had a similar energy to Yena, only less chaotic. Like an energetic puppy. Sometimes she acted mature, but most times she let loose. And she was also similar to Wonyoung, and they seemed to get along well, revealing the softer sides of each other.

And then there was Chaewon. She was bright and energetic, but not in am exasperating way like Yena and Yujin. And she seemed to have lots of talents,, like fooling everyone in mafia, making cupcakes, and kicking butt with a pillow. And Minju was glad she had gathered up her courage and asked her if they could be friends. 

Overall, Minju had never been dissatisfied with her friends, but when these four girls had joined their group, it just got better. Like going from 100% to 1000%. 

Eventually, Minju drifted off, her thoughts lingering in her dreams.

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