9: Friendship

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Chaewon told herself that she had accepted Minju's offer of friendship because of her mission. But she knew that wasn't it. She wanted to be friends with Minju. 

Which was really stupid of her. Minju was her mission. Nothing more then that. It would only get in the way if she formed a real connection with her. 

The problem wasn't in accepting Minju's offer. No, she had to. The options were simple - if she accepted, she would gain Minju's trust, which was excactly what the mission would be about. If she declined, Minju would probably cut her off completely, and that would make it extremely difficult to protect her.

So it wasn't the choice that was the problem.

The mission was to pretend to be Minju's friend. But Chaewon wasn't sure she was pretending anymore.


They finished the cupcakes and put them on a tray, and brought them out to the living room. 

"Whoa" Yuri said "Those look delicious"

Chaewon bowed "Chocolate cupcakes with strawberry frosting, courtesy of Kim & Kim"

Everyone laughed at that. 

"It is true!" Minju pointed out

Everyone giggled again. 

Chaewon and Minju sat down "Enjoy!"

Chaeyeon sniffed her cupcake "Smells delicious"

Chaewon smiled. Maybe the girl did have a soft side to her after all.

"How do you eat your cupcakes?" Wonyoung questioned

"The sandwich way" Yena said. She broke up the bottom and put it on the top like it was a fluffy Oreo.

"Huh..." Yuri said "I've never tried that!" She copied Yena, and took a bite. "Huh, I'm doing that from now on"

"I have filled your life with knowledge. You're welcome" Yena took a fake bow. 

"I lick off the frosting first" Yujin said, taking another lick of her cupcake "Is my tongue red?"

"Not really"

"Darn it. I mean, great!"

Everyone laughed again. 

"Am I the only one who eats cupcakes like a normal person?" Sakura complained. 

"Don't worry" Chaeyeon shuddered "You are not alone"

They finished eating their cupcakes and put the tray away. 

"What are the sleeping arrangements?" Yuri asked.

"Wanna build a fort?" Yena asked.

"We would sleep in a fort?" Hitomi asked, perplexed.

"It's just pillows and chairs," Yena explained. They had learned to make forts in case you were abandoned in the wilderness in training, but Yena had adopted her own version for indoors "And, if we don't want to all be in the same place we can make several rooms"

*Authors note - thanks to @cinnomorollthepuppy  for doing this for me at our sleepover. It was cool and I wanted to put it in place for this story*

"What?" Minju said "I'm very confused"

"Just let Yena work her fort magic" Chaewon grinned "You'll get it then"

"I was thinking either 5 rooms of two or just one big room" Yujin suggested. Chaewon suspected this was a plot to try to get the girls closer to their assigned friend.

"One big room" Yuri insisted "So we can all be together"

"Okay, got it! You guys go upstairs for a sec, cuz I'm gonna need all the chairs" Yena said.

They went upstairs and chatted for a bit. Chaewon kept a nervous ear out - Yena wasn't the Mad Scientists main target, but they were rivals. She was sure the MS wouldn't mind taking her out.

But Yena called them back, and everything was normal  - beside the fact that a bunch of chairs and pillows had been arranged.

"Welcome!" Yena grinned

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