11: Pillow fight

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Chaewon was eager to know who would make the first move.

It was Yena. She went for Yujin, but Yujin ducked and hit her from beneath. Yena pouted as she haded her pillow over. 

And then, everyone sort of went for it at the exact same time. 

Yena and Yujin continued battling. Yuri and Minju started. Nako unfortunately found herself against Sakura and got out pretty quickly. Hitomi and Wonyoung were facing each other, and while Wonyoung seemed to have an advantage over Hitomi, Hitomi still held strong.

Chaewon was observing all of this while fighting Chaeyeon. Neither of them could seem to win. 

Chaewon continued observing. Her eyes fell on Yuri and Minju's fight. Minju only had one pillow left. 

Chaewon's spy skills were doing her well, seeing as she was able to face Chaeyeon while still keeping an eye on what was happening. She saw Yuri score against Minju. Now, she was out. 

Quickly, Chaewon hit Chaeyeon in the back, grabbed a pillow, and went after Yuri. 

Yuri was good, but Chaewon was better. 

Chaewon kept a mental list of who was left. Yujin, Wonyoung, Yena, Hitomi, Chaeyeon, herself, and Sakura. 

Yena only had one pillow left, the price of making risky moves. 

Chaewon snuck up behind her, and Bam! She was out. Yena pouted and sat next to Yuri. 

Looking around, she saw Hitomi had gotten Chaeyeon out. Yujin, Wonyoung, Hitomi, Sakura, and her. 

Bam! Sakura had got her from behind. Chaewon had quite a few pillows, but Sakura had more. 

The battle was fierce, but Sakura was better. 

"Darn it!" Chaewon said as Sakura procured her last pillow. 

She retreated back to her sleeping bag. Minju was sitting next to her in her sleeping bag.

"Okay! Chaeyeon said. "Since there are only 4 people left, let's remove 2 from each."

The remaining girls dropped two pillows each and quickly continued battling.

"Who do you think is going to win?" Minju asked. 

"I dunno, it's pretty split" Chaewon watched

As she said this, Hitomi came at Sakura from the back and stole her last pillow.

"Okay, everyone, forfeit 4 more pillows" Sakura announced. There were only 10 pillows left in the game now. Yujin had 4, while Wonyoung and Hitomi has 3. 

Yujin whispered something to Wonyoung. She nodded, and they both went for Hitomi at the same time. Hitomi dodged Yujin's hit, but couldn't avoid Yujin's. Now Wonyoung and Yujin both had 4, and Hitomi had 2. They both went for her again. It seemed Wonyoung and Yujin had formed an alliance. Hitomi was prepared this time, and ducked underneath, dodging both their hits. She attempted to hit Yujin's leg, but Yujin was fast, and dodged, then scored her own hit. Hitomi was good, but it was 2 versus 1. While Hitomi was distracted by Yujin, Wonyoung scored a hit. Hitomi was out. 

"Will the two remaining contestants drop 4 pillows?" Chaewon saw Sakura's strategy.  Now, it was one hit sudden death. 

Nako and Hitomi were watching, fascinated. Chaeyeon and Sakura were pretending that they weren't interested in who would win, but Chaewon could tell they were. Yena and Yuri were whispering, betting on who would win. 

Wonyoung and Yujin went for it. They were both evenly matched, so there was a lot of clashing pillows

Wonyoung dropped down. Yujin slammed down with her pillow, but Wonyoung dodged her,and slid under her legs, extending her pillow so that it hit Yujin in the leg.

Wonyoung stood up and held a victory pose "I win!"

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