3: Befriend

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Chaewon and her crew had been anxiously awaiting this moment. They had to get close to Minju. And if this didn't work, nothing would. So, a lot was riding on this. 

Chaewon looked over at Minju's lunch table. She had been shown a lot of photos beforehand. She saw 4 seats open. Bingo. 

She nodded to her group, who followed her lead.

"Um, excuse me?" She asked, turning the friendliness up to 100 "Can me and my friends sit here?"

"Sure!" One of Minju's friends said. Chaewon and the girls sat in the 4 seats. 

"Who are you?" Another one of Minju's friends asked "I haven't seen you around before"

"We're temporary transfers" Chaewon said "It's a long story"

Their company had thought for hours coming up with a backstory that would explain why they were new, and why they may suddenly leave once they felt like their mission was completed. 

"We have time for long stories"

Chaewon took a breath. "My old school was having some staffing issues, so they're on sort of a hiatus. Our parents enrolled us here until the situation is fixed"

"That makes sense" Another one of her friends said. Inwardly, Chaewon was extremely relieved that the lie had worked. But as a spy, she had learned to not express her emotions very well. So she acted normal.

"Hey, we should do introductions. I'll start. I'm Hitomi" She nodded to the girl next to her.

"I'm Nako" The girl that said her story had made sense said. "Nice to meet you!"

"Minju" Minju said.

"Wonyoung" Another girl said.


"Chaeyeon" This was the girl that questioned her. Chaewon made a mental note to be careful around her. 

"I'm Chaewon"




"Nice to meet you guys!" Yena said cheerfully. One of Yena's strengths as a spy was her friendliness, and it was working to their advantage right now. 

"Nice to meet you too!" Hitomi said.

Chaewon and her friends acted casual, but she knew all of them including herself were scanning Minju and her friends so they could determine any possible threats, weaknesses, etcetera. They all seemed pretty gullible - except for Chaeyeon. Sakura seemed to pick up on this. She was acting normal, but she could see her looking suspiciously at Chaeyeon several times. But overall, it was pretty good to work with. 

"Do you mind if we keep sitting here?" She sighed "That sounded wrong, sorry. But really. Can we?" 

"Of course!" Yuri said. We could use someone to replace Invisibella."

Minju and her friends all burst out laughing, while Chaewon and her friends shot each other confused glances.

"Nothing, nothing" Wonyoung said, still giggling beyond control "Yes, you can sit here"

"Thanks!" Chaewon smiled and continued to eat her lunch. 


As soon as they left everyone's sight, the girls couldn't contain their excitement anymore.

"We did it!" Yena celebrated. Sakura grinned. And Chaewon felt their excitement.

"Okay, we need to contact the boss" Chaewon said, calming everyone down. She took out her walkie talkie and dialed a number. 

"Mission completed?"


"Good. Next mission - get invited to a.... play day or whatever you kids call it now"

"A playdate?" Yujin asked questioningly. "Okay, though i think most kids our age prefer the word hangout, now"

"Yeah, yeah, that. Do that. And do it fast, because if the MS catches onto what we're doing, which they undoubtedly will, they're going to act fast. So we need to act faster. Deal?"


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