14: Happy, sad

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Minju and Chaewon's friendship kicked off after that sleepover.

They started hanging out more one on one. 

Chaewon was a lot of fun to hang out with.  They mostly hung out at her house or somewhere else in the city. Chaewon said she wasn't comfortable with going to her house, which made Minju very curious , but she let it go. It didn't really matter.

Today, Chaewon was sleeping over right now. Literally, sleeping. Since it was just the two of them, they were both sleeping on the couch. Chaewon had fallen asleep, but Minju couldn't.

She looks pretty Minju thought. Her eyes then snapped open. What did I just think?! 

No, one thought didn't matter. She and Chaewon were friends. Nothing more.



"No!" Chaewon sat up with a start.

Minju, who was already awake looked alarmed "What?"

Chaewon turned to Minju, as if she had forgotten she was there. "Oh... nothing... bad dream"

"Oh, I hate those" Minju comforted  "What was it about"

"No, no, no. Unimportant. I don't want to talk about it. I'll be fine" Chaewon insisted. 

"You don't have to be tough." Minju sat next to Chaewon "A lot of times, people feel pressured to be perfect. But we're still human. We have fears. And weaknesses." Minju scooted a little closer, and Chaewon rested her head on her shoulder. "And... if whatever you saw in that dream upset you, then let it out" 

Chaewon smiled. She still looked sad, but you could tell it was getting better. "Thanks Minju" She smiled softly. This was a side of Chaewon she had never seen before.  She always seemed so... perfect. Like she wasn't scared of anything. But this side of Chaewon made her feel closer to her than before.

Hey, since when did I become such a good therapist? Minju thought. 

"So, what's for breakfast?" Chaewon asked, changing the topic. 

"Uh... we have pop tarts?" Minju asked. 

"Ooh yum. I  mostly have cereal for breakfast, but I've always wanted to have a pop tart" Chaewon commented.

"Good, our closet is full of them." Minju said. They went into the kitchen and pulled out their breakfast. 

"This is really good" Chaewon said. 

Minju bowed "My pleasure"

She smiled. Chaewon looked so adorably happy. And 𝘴𝘩𝘦 was the reason for that. 

That made Minju just as happy.

It was funny, just a few minutes ago Chaewon looked like she was about to cry. And now, she was smiling and laughing. 

Both of those were different than the calm, collected Chaewon she knew.

But hey, she was all for it. 

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